Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What's Your Why?


During Saturday's run as snow and rain pelted our faces around the Reservoir, I wondered "What's my why?" 

Sixteen years ago, I did not have a 'why' for a regular health and wellness routine. I did have a why as a social worker at the Boston VA Outpatient Clinic. I had a why as a wife and mother. I did not have a why or how for self-care. I could have had my picture next to a definition of burnout in the dictionary as I faced the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome and told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I was blessed to find a path to heal my life from the once devastating effects of childhood paralytic polio and trauma. 

My why now is to share a powerful message of healing, hope and infinite possibilities.  My why now is to be and feel the best I can be. During the pandemic,  running outdoors was the only option we had as gyms were closed. I became conditioned to running in all kinds of weather occasionally using a treadmill if it was not safe to run outdoors. On Saturday's run, as the snow became heavier and the winds became colder, I felt a sense of power surge through me. The medical community gave me many admonitions as a polio survivor about being out in winter and being at risk for a fracture if I fell. They recommended that I use a cane with an ice gripper. Western Medicine providers meant well. They were basing their recommendation on what they observed happening with other patients who had the same condition as I had. My why is to let people know that living in fear only further compromises one's health and well-being. My why is to let people see by example that if you use it you do not lose it which had been the guidance of those living with neuromuscular conditions such as Post-Polio Syndrome or Multiple Sclerosis. Fortunately, there is a wealth of research about the power of the mind/body connection and the benefits of exercise for individuals with neuromuscular conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control in the US is trying to understand the scope and impact of Long COVID on individuals. It is estimated that 1 in 5 individuals are living with symptoms of Long COVID. It was recognized as a disability in July 2021. The symptoms of Long COVID

bear a striking resemblance to those of PostPolio Syndrome. 

  • progressive weakness in muscles and joints
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • body/mind fatigue and exhaustion with minimal activity
  • loss of appetite
  • fever
  • muscle atrophy (wasting)
  • bone distortions such as scoliosis (curving of the spine)
  • breathing issues
  • sleep disorders, insomnia, sleep apnea
  • swallowing issues
  • cold temperature intolerance, occasionally intolerance to heat

My why is to let people and health care professionals know there is possibility for healing beyond a diagnosis despite all appearances to the contrary.  My why is to give hope to individuals who may be feeling anxious, helpless and hopeless in the wake of COVID-19. My why is to shine brightly sharing my passion and my purpose through my books, blog and appearances on podcasts and in print media. My why is because I am so blessed and grateful for the miracle of healing in my life that I want to ignite the spark of hope in others for what is possible.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 



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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...