Sunday, April 23, 2023

Be a Hill Seeker


After getting in my miles on mostly flat courses, I decided it was time to incorporate hill training and doing my miles on hills. I had an intense reaction to the 2nd COVID vaccine last year. Despite using visualization and doing 'all the right things,' my body reacted with muscle spasms, joint pain and fatigue. I dialed back on my work outs and mileage and harnessed the power of the mind/body connection once more to heal whatever was going on in my body. 

On January 1st, I got the New Year off to a great start with a virtual race as I wrote about "I'm now off the sidelines..." which references a line from the first poem I wrote, "Running the Race."

Although I had done virtual races during the pandemic, the vibe of the First Run was quite different. It was the first time since I received the 2nd vaccine that I felt good in my body. I continued to maintain my runs and increased my strength training regimen.

Last Thursday, I knew that it was time to incorporate hill training instead of doing 2 miles on a flat course. Because of Tom and Ruth Anne's schedules, we had to get up at 6am to get in our run for the day. After a warm up, we went to the hill where I did my first hill training with my personal trainer while training for the 2009 Boston Marathon. I remember how I said to her, "Wait I'm not ready for hills." She said, "Well you are going to be running a lot of hills and not just any hills. You're going to be running on the Newton Hills!"

We had a lot of fun playing on the hills for hill repeats. Breakfast always tastes so delicious after an early morning run. Mind, body, heart and soul were nourished by Mother Nature's stunning Springtime display and birds serenading our run. 

On Saturday we always ask the question, "Where shall we run today?" Even though the excitement of the Boston Marathon is over, we decided to go to Heartbreak Hill. It was a chilly day with few runners out on the hills but we continue to savor the season of Springtime feeling blessed and grateful that every step is a gift and every mile is a blessing.

Since Tom and Ruth Anne are in taper mode for the Providence Half, they were able to stay with me at my pace. 

Ever since the pandemic, I have a deep appreciation for every season in my life and to be able to continue to move forward in my health and wellness journey.

What a blessing to push my body a little farther with a powerful intention to age well and age strong as I prepare to celebrate my 70th birthday in December. What a blessing to have a loving supportive family and village to support me as I celebrate 16 years of healing being a hill seeker!

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

 Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

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