Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Training with Purpose

 I had resigned myself to training for my health and wellness after I had an untoward reaction to the second COVID vaccine. Forever grateful for the miracle of healing in my life since the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I was content to be support crew for Tom and Ruth Anne as they ran their Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs. Ruth Anne was far from content to have me on the sidelines. While she loved running her own races at her own pace or with her dad at his pace, she told me she missed being out on the roads with me. Our last in person race together was the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon.

Once again, the Universe had other plans for me. Before I knew what happened, the airline and hotel were booked and I was registered for the Bermuda 10K Walk happening next January as part of the Bermuda Triangle Challenge.

Ever since I made the commitment to this next challenge with a distance I have not trained for since 2018 that incorporates a series of hills akin to Heartbreak Hill, I have been feeling joy deep within me with every training run and strength training workout. This goal has ignited a fire within me. I am keenly focusing my meditations on the mind/body connection, I have the course map on our refrigerator and as my Facebook cover photo. Success is the only option.


I have a training plan carefully crafted that incorporates fartleks, tempo runs, hills and building distance at a pace that I know my body will be able to adapt to.  I discovered  that initially I was pushing too hard and too fast. I need to constantly monitor those Type A personality traits. 

We had a phenomenal training run at Jamaica Pond on Saturday. Ruth Anne is training for the BAA 10K happening on June 25th. She warmed up and cooled down with Tom and me while doing her 4 miles at her pace. It was a wonderful tempo run with negative splits for all of us. I even tried to pass another power walker out on the path. I almost caught him but I realized I did not want to push that hard this early in my training.

We always make sure to take time to enjoy Nature's beauty:

Rain was in the forecast for after 1pm and we thought we'd be done by then but the front quickly moved in with wind and rain. Fortunately we brought light jackets with us. Tom joked with me saying, "I sure am glad I decided to bring these jackets with us," when it was my idea to 'be prepared." We chatted about how many clothes we are going to need to pack for Bermuda since one never knows what the weather will be in January. One thing we do know for sure, as former Bermuda Marathon Weekend Race Director told us in 2015 after asking what the weather would be in January, "I can guarantee you there will be no snow in Bermuda in January!" There was hail when we were there in 2020 but the front moved out in time for the Bermuda 10K.

I love the rekindled sense of adventure as we train for Bermuda.


Beginning in June, I will start to slowly increase mileage. I am going to cap my distance at 5.5 miles although I know 'they' often recommend capping mileage at 7 miles. I can sense what my body needs to be able to have a successful race day giving myself plenty of time to adapt to adding on miles, working on speed and training on hills. I've run many 10K's, several half marathons and of course the Boston Marathon. I am remembering how I felt with 10K PR's and how amazing I felt running 3 Half Marathons in Bermuda. I went on to finish a very challenging 2017 Half with the help of Tom and an earth angel at mile 12. I know what this body is capable of and setting this new goal helps to create possibilities again taking my healing journey to the next level.

Every strength training workout and every training run is infused with feeling that they take me one step closer to the starting line in Bermuda while also savoring every moment of this incredible journey.

On Thursday, 5/25, I celebrate 16 years of healing after taking a leap of faith leaving behind my award winning career as a VA social worker to heal my life. What a blessing that I've been able to wow audiences with my powerful message of healing, hope and unimaginable possibilities.

Mike Reilly recently featured my story on his Stories From the Finish Line.

Episode 56 on the On the Runs podcast takes you on my journey from contracting childhood paralytic polio and enduring years of abuse at the hands of family members, to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and my many adventures as runnergirl 1953. How amazing to give the Pod the exclusive scoop of my next running adventure in Bermuda.

Be sure to check out my website to be inspired by what's possible beyond all appearances to the contrary. My News and Events page is filled with inspirational interviews and features in news and books.

Be sure to check out my books on Amazon, especially my Trilogy of Transformation that makes for great summer reading!

When I reflect on where I was a year ago, to how I feel today, it is exhilarating to be training with purpose again!

From my heart to yours,

In health and wellness,

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...