Saturday, May 20, 2023

You're Never Too Old....

 Sixteen years ago I took a leap of faith and left behind my award winning career as a VA social worker. My top priority was to heal my life from the once devastating effects of childhood paralytic polio and trauma that manifested in the guise of Post-Polio Syndrome. I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair and expect an accelerated decline in functioning as I aged.

I discovered the gift of poetry in my soul that turbo charged my healing process harnessing the power of the mind/body connection.  I had a dream that I would become a NY Times Bestselling Author, appear on Oprah and amaze people with how I left behind my career as a social worker to follow my bliss as a poet and writer. I would wow audiences with how I overcame my childhood challenges to have not one, but two successful careers reinventing myself at the age of 53.

In February of 2008, I declared to my personal trainer after meeting my initial goals of getting off of the couch and a low toilet seat without assistance that I wanted to come out of my toe up leg brace, go outside

for a walk, feel free in my body and dance again (I took ballet before I contracted paralytic polio) and diversify my workouts. She gathered up her bags and was ready to leave with her hand on the door knob when I said "Wait, I have one more goal!"

"What's that she asked?"

"I want to run the 2009 Boston Marathon for Spaulding Rehab."

Totally non-plussed, she said, "Well you're going to need a pair of running shoes."

And so it came to be that instead of becoming a NY Times Bestselling Author and appearing on Oprah, (although there's still time for that), I went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon inspiring others with my powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.

In 2014, I ran 9 races with 9 PR's that resulted in a very serious knee injury blowing out my left knee. I was told I should never have started running and to prepare to have a total knee replacement in a few years. I needed to stop running or cap my distance at a 5K or 5 miles. Always being the compliant patient, I double downed on my healing journey partnering with a chiropractor who led me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Candace Pert, Ph.D.

I healed my left knee, grew a new gastroc muscle and returned to running. At my comeback race, Finish at the 50 at Gillette Stadium, I met the race directors of Bermuda Marathon Weekend. It had been on my bucket list to run in Bermuda and then life happened. I ran three consecutive Bermuda Half Marathons in 2016, 2017 and 2018. After the half in 2018, I was ready to keep my running to shorter distances. Tom and Ruth Anne ran the 2020 Bermuda 10K insisting that we return the following year and I join them in 2021. They have a 10K Walk which accommodates back of the pack runners like myself. I said "No" and was quite content to be support crew for them. And then COVID.

I did Virtual Races during COVID; running was a life saver during the pandemic. 

I prepared to receive the vaccines with hydration, fueling, meditation, mind/body practices and a positive mindset about how my body would react to the vaccine. The first vaccine went well but after the second vaccine, I experienced uncomfortable symptoms of severe joint pain, nerve pain and had to curtail my workouts and running.

I knew that I did not come that far to only go that far. I got to work with intense meditation, honored where my body was and adjusted my workouts. Towards the end of last year, I told myself enough was enough. I had to do something to shift the energy and once again move forward in my healing journey. Ruth Anne was supportive and encouraging, suggesting that we do the Virtual First Run of 2023. There would be no time pressure and I could enjoy the thrill of being a part of a race again. Tom and Ruth Anne did the 10K as we went in opposite directions around the Reservoir while I did a 5K.  I took a week off from running between Christmas and New Year's focusing on stretching, strength training and becoming mentally prepared for my come back.

Here is the link to the race recap. I felt absolutely wonderful. My hope and confidence in what this body can do was fueled by my taking the risk to possibly go too far. 

I started following Ron Kuzsmar, a runner training for his first marathon who was documenting his training on TikTok. He was a guest on the On the Runs podcast.

I was hooked on the Pod. Hearing inspiring stories and watching Ron train for his first marathon lit a fire within me to set a new goal.

Last year we explored the possibility of going to Bermuda for Race Weekend but there were no flights. 

After spectating the Boston Marathon,  Ruth Anne decided that it was time for something epic in our lives now that COVID is over. She logged onto Jet Blue and they had flights available for Race Weekend. The rates had just been posted at the Grotto Bay Resort for Race Weekend. I emailed our friends in Bermuda to see if they knew about a time limit for the Walk. They put me in touch with the Race Director who assured me that they would love to have me be a part of the 10K event for race weekend.  

I waffled back and forth but Ruth Anne said she would feel very depressed if I stayed on the sidelines. I recalled what Dave McGillivray wrote to me when he signed his book "The Last Pick," "Set goals not limits."

And so I am:

On Christmas Day I turn 70 years young. We will celebrate with a week in Bermuda capped off with a 10K on the Bermuda hills. Remember you are never too old...

Be sure to listen to Episode 56 on the On the Runs podcast in which I share my journey, the intense challenges I had to overcome throughout my life and how finding my way to the sport of running changed my life.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...