Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Transformation Tuesday - Risk Going Too Far


On 5/25/2007, I took a leap of faith and left behind my award winning social work career to heal my life from the once devastating effects of childhood paralytic polio and trauma.

I had no idea what the future held for me or if I was going to have a future based on the prognosis of preparing to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, possibly needing a feeding tube and to expect an accelerated decline in functioning as I aged.

But in February of 2007, I discovered the gift of poetry in my soul. Despite all appearances to the contrary, I had hope in my heart that I could and would heal my past and create a future very different than the ones the doctors predicted for me. I now understand that I was harnessing the power of the mind/body connection to inspire mind, body and soul to heal.

Despite the admonitions by the medical community that if you use it you will lose it, (yes you read that right) I risked going too far and went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon. 

While I had to take some time off from running after I ran Boston, I was by no means a one hit wonder. 

In December of 2014, I sustained a left knee injury after pushing myself to 9 races in 9 months. I went too far. I briefly returned to the Post-Polio Clinic. The MRI indicated that I would probably need a total knee replacement in a few years.  "Your gastroc muscle has atrophied but we knew that happened since you had polio and there's nothing you can do about that. That's in part why there was so much stress on your knee."

He strongly advised me to stop running but since he knew I would not stop running, he told me to cap my distance at a 5K. He gave me a prescription for physical therapy. I received a gift from the Universe with a physical therapist from hell. I was then redirected to a chiropractor/healer who, in addition to helping me rehab my knee and grow a new gastroc muscle, introduced me to the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Candace Pert, Ph.D. 

After a devastating accident during a triathlon, Dr. Joe fractured his vertebrae. He was told he would need to have a metal rod inserted in his spine and that in all likelihood he would never walk again. He was a young chiropractor who knew about the body's tremendous capacity to heal. He left the hospital against medical advice. He took to heart and practice what B.J. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic asserted:

He recounts his journey of healing in his book, "You Are the Placebo." After his spine was healed and he was able to walk again, he dedicated his life to helping others to heal harnessing the power of the mind/body connection, connecting to the power of the Divine Intelligence within us. 

Candace Pert is the author of many books including:


She was a brilliant scientist who studied the molecules of emotion and the mind/body connection.

I devoured reading these two books while my knee healed working with my chiropractor using KT Tape, meditation/visualization as I had during the early days of my journey of transformation, chiropractic care and revamping my strength training workouts. My comeback race was the Finish at the 50 5K in July.

There was a small Expo at the Race with a booth from Bermuda Marathon Weekend. It had been on my bucket list to run a race in Bermuda but then life happened and I didn't think about it again until I heard those delicious Bermudian accents, saw the pink sand and blue water on the poster and the bling from previous years. 

"How is the weather in Bermuda in January?" I asked the race director Anthony Raynor.

"I know you people still have snow piles in the Seaport Area from this past winter. I can guarantee you there will be NO SNOW IN BERMUDA IN JANUARY!"

I felt goosebumps and a warm feeling come over me, while a part of me was wondering why was I even having this conversation about running in Bermuda. Several months ago I was told to cap my distance and prepare for a total knee replacement. 

We talked about the distance. 

"If you can train for the Half Marathon distance, you'll be better off since the 10K has a lot of steep hills."

When I got home, I reached out to The Rosedon Hotel where we stayed for years when we went to Bermuda. The reservation specialist remembered us and gave us a great rate for a room. Direct flights were reasonably priced. Before I really thought about what I was doing, I booked the trip and signed up for the 2016 Bermuda Half Marathon asking myself the same question I asked myself after I told my personal trainer in February of 2008, "What have I just done?"

I went on to run the Bermuda Half in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

I may have risked going too far in 2017 when I had severe muscle spasms at mile 10. By mile 12, I needed support to keep moving forward and we were blessed to meet an earth angel who supported me along with Tom to get to the finish:


I wasn't going to do another Half, but Anthony surprised me at the Boston Marathon Expo. He wanted to know what it would take to have me return to Bermuda in 2018. He apologized for my experience in 2017. Part of the reason for the cramping and spasms was a result of the roads not being closed to traffic and there was uneven pavement that I had to run along. I went out too fast and the day got hot so I was also overdressed. But Anthony felt terrible about my Race experience despite my telling him it was a triumph for me in so many ways. I always harbored a fear about my body dropping to the ground again as it had when I had polio. It happened but what a different outcome from when I was 5. I had also been teased and taunted as 'easy out' as a child. My friends would run ahead of me while I lugged a heavy metal ankle to hip leg brace. Jamie Lee Wright, a total stranger (although runners are never strangers) came up to help me to the finish line. She stepped aside as Tom and I crossed so she wouldn't be in our finish line photo.

The medical team and Tom told me I should go into the medical tent. 

I put my hands in the air and said, "Wait. I'm not doing anything until I get my medal."

Tom said he'd go get it. 

As soon as I sat down, everything released and I felt wonderful. The team was very impressed with my stats and after they cleared me, we went to The Pickled Onion where the story of my epic finish had been shared by Jamie Lee before we arrived. 

Anthony told me that he negotiated a great rate at the Fairmont Southampton Princess for Race Weekend 2018. I paused and he could see my excitement. "How about if I give you an invitational entry for Team McManus?" he added. That sealed the deal. He would go on to tell me in the summer of 2017 when he visited our home, "As long as you finish before my last marathoner, you will be fine." I told him I had pushed  my pace in 2017 because I thought there was a time limit for the half. Team McManus had a glorious 2018 Race Weekend.

I discovered how far I could go by risking going too far. I discovered wonderful gifts and treasures along the way that continue to fuel my journey of transformation.

Stay tuned.....

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

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