Friday, June 30, 2023

The First Half of the Year in Review


One of my Facebook friends suggested that instead of New Year's Resolutions, we write out Guidelines to Live by for the New Year. As this half of the new year comes to a close, it's a fitting time to take a look back at my intentions and see how the year is progressing.

Guidelines to Live By for 2023:
Open my heart to infinite possibilities.  By doing so, I somehow managed to manifest a return trip to Bermuda in January of 2024 and I registered and am training for the Bermuda 10K after a long hiatus from running events.

Gratitude for all my blessings. We have a gratitude jar overflowing with post its on which we have written what we are grateful for

Choose faith over fear.   During my meditations, when I notice fear and a clutch in my gut, I move my attention from the clutch to my heart. I've been using mantras such as all is well and in Divine Order or look to the skies or nature to feel the powerful connection to Source.

Expand and create - I am working on my next book and I have completely redesigned/reworked my website

Feel joy. Remembering that my natural state is joy, I allow joy to permeate my expressions of gratitude

Harness the power of mood shifters.  Music, reading, movement, enjoying nature help me to shift out of a low vibration and being conscious that I always have a choice to choose my thoughts wisely

Connect with like hearted souls. WOW - This one manifested and is manifesting BIG TIME with the On the Runs podcast squad and guests and with Mike Reilly's Stories From the Finish Line and podcast. Ruth Anne and I were featured in a Boston College news piece about our running and fundraising journeys. She is going back to finish her Masters Certificate and I've connected with many wonderful Boston College Eagles. We cherish our friendships through the years while building an ever expanding network of wonderful people to share this journey we call life! We have also met amazing people through Ruth Anne's fundraiser, A Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs.

Go on a trip. On January 1, I set the intention to go on a trip with absolutely no inkling of the how, where, why or when. One day in April, Ruth Anne decided to see if there were direct flights to Bermuda for race weekend.

Celebrate life’s moments big and small. Every day in every way! We will be celebrating the twins 36th birthday in person. Tom and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary with a decadent cake and Skype-ing with our son and daughter in law since there was a winter storm. My 70th birthday celebration will be Bermuda Race Weekend.

Carpe diem. When you find out there are direct flights available to Bermuda for race weekend and if you stay longer, the air fares are much lower, you just seize the day and book the flights then reach out to the Race weekend host hotel to find out that the rates are incredibly low! Deposit given! We've also done spontaneous day trips to Cape Cod.

Be grateful. For everything big and small. I've made a conscious effort to focus on being grateful for the challenges and difficult days knowing there is always a treasure to be found.

Make time for meditation and self care.!

Break the sound barrier of once perceived limitations - Yup - all registered for and training for the Bermuda 10K with sights on another half that doesn't have a time limit!

Let go of control and lean into whatever may be happening. Every day in every way I am working on this and being compassionate to myself while I work on this which brings me to my last guideline...

Replace judging thoughts with thoughts of tenderness and kindness--for myself and others while Tom, Ruth Anne and I remind each other of replacing judgment with compassion.

I am thrilled to look back at these intentions and see what has manifested in my life during the first half of the year. My heart overflows with gratitude for all that has come to pass and all that is yet to come. 

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page which has links to the latest articles and interviews.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe to their Youtube Channel.

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