Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Getting Stronger

If you read Julie Silver's book about Post-Polio Syndrome written in 2002, you'll read a cautionary tale about what happens to many people who have contracted paralytic polio. You'll read about progression of symptoms, needing to conserve energy, and accepting disability. You won't read about getting stronger. You won't read about running a race. You will read about adaptive equipment, falls prevention and you certainly won't receive a message of healing, hope and possibility.

Reading Dr. Silver's book and seeking out care at the Spaulding Rehab International Rehab Center for Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome was a place for me to begin my healing journey but I quickly learned that I could not stay in that framework of Western Medicine if I were to heal my life. 

In 2021/2022, I hit a wall in my healing and running journey. I am fairly sure it was a reaction to the 2nd COVID vaccine despite my best efforts at harnessing the power of the mind/body connection to ward off any untoward side effects. 

Fast forward to today when I am training for the 2024 Bermuda 10K. 

The temperatures were cooler than they'd been for the past several weeks and there was cloud cover. I told Tom and Ruth Anne that I needed to include a steep hill in our neighborhood in our four mile training run on Saturday. As we ascended the hill, I was in awe of how I was able to navigate it with relative ease. I recalled the words from Deena Kastor's book, "Let Your Mind Run," "Your job is to be stronger than the hill." In addition to the physical training I've been doing, I have been doing a lot of mental training reviewing the notes I took while reading Deena's book.

I also thought of the above quote how things don't get easier, we get stronger.

There are also many cautionary tales about aging; combine that with the messages I once received from the Post-Polio Clinic and if I listened to those messages, you'd find me sitting on my porch in a rocking chair and using a wheelchair for mobility. Instead I am out the door three times a week to get in miles and one day a week doing strength training to complement my running. {I did find that an extra rest day on Sunday is vital to my training at this time.}A great reference for countering the myths of aging is Counter Clockwise written by Ellen Langer. I am mindful about my thoughts and beliefs as I train feeling strength coursing through me regardless of how I may actually be feeling. Deena Kastor quotes David Thoreau: "We must think over and over again the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."

"The fatigue was there but I didn't claim it" is one of my favorite quotes from Deena's book. I claim my strength and allow the pain and fatigue to fade into the background. It's vital to both be in my body yet beyond my body to take in the amazing sights and sounds of nature as I did during this morning's early morning run:










It takes but a few moments to capture these magical moments and fuel my connection to Source knowing that every day in every way I am getting stronger and stronger as I train for the Bermuda 10K and continue to heal my life in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma.








From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series https://tinyurl.com/bdzhtebj to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56 https://tinyurl.com/yckuej6v  Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@OnTheRuns to enhance your podcast listening experience!

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...