Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Two Pennies and a Dime!

 Despite getting up and out of the door early for Saturday's four mile run, the heat and humidity was intense as we ran around the Route 9 Reservoir. We slowed our pace, made sure we hydrated and fueled but by mile 3, I hit a wall. A big wall! My thoughts were "How will I ever be able to do another 3.2 miles in Bermuda. I am running on relatively flat ground. Bermuda has hills on the 10K Course." I quickly reeled in those thoughts along with all the fears that reared up about not finishing before the finish line closed and told myself to be in the mile I was in. When we finished the four miles, I thought "See it's only another 2.2 miles. You've got this and look at your pace. Even in the heat and humidity, you were well under the pace you need to finish before the finish line closes." 

While Tom and Ruth Anne finished their training run on the road to Half Marathon #3 for Ruth Anne's fundraiser for Victory Programs, I reflected on the Virtual First Run 5K on January 1st. During my training, I focused on maintaining regular running and strength training workouts, rekindling my joy of running and preparing for a 5K. I took the week off before I did the Virtual 5K focusing on strength training and on 'race day', I nailed a pace I had not seen in a very long time. I loved challenging myself as the only competitor and was thrilled to see the results on the race's website. I finished several places ahead of the last runner. 

Saturday's date was July 15th. It was the birthday of our dear friend, Herb Simmons who introduced us to Bermuda and the 7 month anniversary of when our cat Jamie had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. On our way to lunch at Joe Pace and Sons, we found a 2023 penny. Tom, Ruth Anne and I all agreed that it was a sign that 2023 is the year of Team McManus. As we got closer to the restaurant, there was another penny dated 2006, the year Ruth Anne graduated from High School. Commencement - new beginnings - and celebrating where we are today!

Our friend Joe who we knew from when we went to Joe Pace and Sons in the North End when I worked at the VA,  took time to lovingly prepare our sandwiches. We sat outside, seeing the water of Boston Harbor and savoring every bite of our well earned sandwiches. We took recovery naps when we got home as I continued to transform any fear or doubts into imagining the magic of race weekend giving thanks for the signs from Herb and Jamie reminding me to tap into Source and all I have been able to create in my life.

Set alarm - Rise early - run - repeat! 

High humidity and warm temperatures were once again on tap for Monday. After a meditation, we grabbed our water bottles from the fridge that we freeze and defrost in the fridge overnight, and headed out the door for magical morning miles at the Cleveland Circle Reservoir.

We make sure to express our gratitude for the blessing of a new day and the gift of running in our lives. I always feel light with a before breakfast run as I feel the light blessing a new day and a new week.

As we headed home, I saw what looked like a dime in the street. Making sure there were no cars, I went over and sure enough, there was a dime!

I felt goosebumps to reflect on the significance of a dime beyond it validating my new goal of the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K in January. FDR, a polio survivor, and champion of the March of Dimes campaign to fund research for polio is on the dime. Citizens sent dimes to the White House to support his campaign to end polio. Jonas Salk became a March of Dimes grantee and his vaccine ultimately led to the eradication of polio in the US. 

This is the 2nd time we have found a dime and two cents since I made the commitment to train for the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K:

We found the first dime and two pennies in Falmouth in May. Herb also introduced us to the beauty and joy of Falmouth and Martha's Vineyard shortly after I had reconstructive leg surgery in 1992. Herb made his transition on July 10, 2010 (more 10's) and although he left the physical realm, he continues to let me know he is with me blessing every step of my journey on the road to the Bermuda 10K along with other angels who have woven together my beautiful tapestry of life. 

I look forward to relatively cooler runs with a renewed sense of optimism and faith on the road to the Bermuda 10K!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series  to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56  Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@OnTheRuns to enhance your podcast listening experience!

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 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...