Friday, December 29, 2023

The Eras Tour - Welcoming the Sensational Seventies!


On Christmas Day, we debated about whether or not to do 70 minutes to celebrate my 70th birthday. It's taper time. We were all recovering from upper respiratory infections. Yes but we can take it easy. The weather was gorgeous. We don't get many of these amazing days in Winter. Let's take advantage of it. I know the big celebration will be on January 13th but I only turn 70 once.

Once we all agreed that we would celebrate my 70th birthday with 70 minutes of magnificent miles, the next question was, "Where shall we go?"

I suggested Jamaica Pond. The choice was quickly seconded by Tom and Ruth Anne.

After the first 5 minutes, Ruth Anne declared, "Oh look, you're 5 years old." My initial thought was, "Well I certainly don't want to remember that time in my life." But after ten minutes - the first decade - I declared "Ooh this is like the Eras Tour!" It was the first time I did a run by minutes rather than miles. What a wonderful way to experience a time of reflection on one's birthday turning the page to a new decade. I reflected on the challenges of the decades of my youth and adolescence while acknowledging my remarkable resilience and strength. I gave thanks for the amazing angels like Joe Stetz or my French teacher Ms. Dupres, who blessed my life. Their love, care, compassion and kindness fueled my journey.

As we got into the 20's, I smiled thinking about the different men I dated until the magic moment when I met Tom on a blind date. I was amazed at how quickly the time went by taking in the majesty and magnificence of Jamaica Pond.

Then came my career and child rearing decades, the joys of being first generation home owners, Tom's career challenges and bladder cancer diagnosis and the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome that turned my life upside down. We marveled at how Team McManus has successfully navigated whatever challenges life has thrown  our way including Ruth Anne's health challenges. We have harnessed the power of our faith and focused on gratitude, joy, laughter and grace during some of our darkest hours.

Throughout the 70 minute Eras Tour, we reminisced while feeling the incredible joy and gift of each other's presence. I gave thanks for the miracle of healing in our lives and the blessing of every foot step with my loved ones by my side to usher in the start of a new decade!
This is a poem I wrote on Christmas Eve a few years ago that seems especially fitting today.
A New Chapter
Dipping my quill
poised to write a new chapter of my life
surrender to Source
troubles become light as a feather
fear fades
quivering quiets.
happily ever in present moment
my presence a gift to the world
heart and soul overflow with grace
gratitude for blessings
feeling blessings on their way.
Chapters of days gone by
reveal beauty and strength
stronger in broken places
gold gilding
healed and whole.
Infinite possibilities on a blank page
pure and powerful
Love reigns supreme
Love story for the ages
tethered to Source
lightness and ease
giddy with delight
exhilaration and excitement
Exhilaration and excitement build as I get ready to take on the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. It's a way to celebrate 17 years of healing. It's a magical and magnificent way to welcome the sensational seventies!

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

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