Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!


 The energy of this month is optimism. Every choice I make is a stepping stone along the path to the wonderful future that I am creating for myself. I let go of the negative energy of the past and become a "now" person. I welcome each day with open arms. ~Louise Hay

How strange to not start the New Year with a run. But I am in serious taper mode and know that this time of rest and taking care of myself will serve me well come race day.
We have had a stressful few weeks albeit weeks that were also filled with joy and celebrations. It was easy to go to my "dark and twisty place" (iykyk from Grey's Anatomy) especially after Tom tested positive for COVID on 12/29. I am so deeply grateful for the primary care practice he has. His doctor was on vacation but the PA he had for his visit was absolutely phenomenal. I thought that he'd have to have two negative tests within 72 hours of travel which of course I googled and was protocol during the height of COVID. The PA told us that he is cleared regardless of test status after 10 days of isolation. His symptoms began Christmas Eve. Tom gets the week off between Christmas and New Year's but has to use vacation time. We had planned day trips but with Tom feeling unwell, Ruth Anne experiencing UTI symptoms and the upper respiratory infection, and me continuing to recover from it as well, we were very content to stay at home and let ourselves recover.

I spent New Year's Day continuing to clean and disinfect the house, creating social media content, cleaning out my digital files and focused on getting ready for our trip. We took extra long time for meditation and visualization and nourished ourselves well. Tom and I reviewed the itinerary from Marathon Tours and Travel taking notes and adding to the to do list. I took a lot of time for stretching. I cleaned out the planner from 2023 and cracked open the new planner for 2024. 

Ruth Anne gifted me a self-care journal as part of my Christmas Birthday celebration. It's a wonderful tool for reflections on what I want to heal this year and envisioning what I want to create this year. I get to choose my perspective on circumstances that happen in our lives. I could have had a wonderful pity party about what we weren't able to do after Christmas and that we were all experiencing discomfort. Instead I focused on gratitude and the blessings and gifts in the challenge. I was so deeply grateful for wonderful health care providers and that while our symptoms were uncomfortable, they didn't require more intense interventions than hydration, gargling, hot tea and lots and lots and lots of rest. Did I mention rest? I must admit, I am not the best when it comes to rest. I do know when the Universe is letting me know it's time for a big time out and all I can do is surrender.

I've had time to cook and focus on nutrition for the body and meditation for the heart and soul. Self-love, kindness and compassion take center stage exiting 2023 and embracing health and wellness for 2024. Tapping into happiness and joy regardless of circumstances is a top priority. David Hamilton shares a story about when his dog Oscar encountered a duck that snapped at him. He ran to David and David noticed that he literally shook off the experience. During this 'down time' I've been working on better managing my fear and anxiety. When that fear and anxiety take over, it's challenging to be in a creator mode allowing pleasant imaginings to be at the fore front of my thoughts. Soooo I had the image of David's dog shaking off the unpleasant experience and going about his day. He recently added a course to his on line offerings about how the mind can heal the body. It's been a wonderful refresher for me to harness the positive power of the mind to overcome these recent challenges and move forward with joy into 2024. Taper madness certainly intensified with us all being under the weather and not having our usual outlet on the roads.

While Tom's vacation was not what we envisioned and our post-Christmas time focused on medical care initially fraught with worry about whether or not we would be able to have our vacations to Bermuda and Nashville, we used the time and circumstances to regain our health and spiritually grow. We surrendered and accepted to the circumstances using gratitude and believe it or not humor as we navigated through disrupted sleep, lots of hot showers with steam and watching episodes of Psych in the evening. We read, meditated and listened to music. We stayed connected with friends and family through social media. Sure it would have been awesome to see the ice sculptures downtown and enjoy First Night festivities maybe going out for dinner but it was also awesome to be grateful for the gift of the dawn of a new year. And what an exciting adventuresome New Year we have planned.

On the 11th, Tom and I head to Bermuda on Jet Blue and Ruth Anne heads to Nashville to visit her best friend from college. On the 13th, I toe the starting line of the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. I trust the training and let the excitement of anticipation wash through every part of my Being. January 26-27, I am an Ambassador for the Boston Run Show. How exciting and exhilarating to have meet ups with friends from social media, hear inspirational speakers and share my incredible journey. In February, Tom and Ruth Anne take on the Hyannis Half as their final training run for LA. In March, we head to Los Angeles where Tom and Ruth Anne take on the LA Marathon! I have a non-running adventure in New York City to hear Barry Manilow in Concert at Radio City Music Hall. I've been imagining manifesting a meet and greet with him. 

Hello 2024 - Team McManus is embracing you with open arms.

Happy NewYear!  

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

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