Sunday, January 7, 2024

Keep Calm It's Race Week!




Taper madness is real. I've said it before and I am saying it again. It's also a wonderful opportunity to transform my worrisome thoughts and doubts into powerfully positive affirmations. It's an opportunity to become more awake and aware feeling my passion and purpose deep in my heart and soul. I remember taper time in 2018, the last time I took on a live event. I thought the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon would be my farewell to any distance longer than a 5K but sometimes the Universe has other plans. I miss my Saturday training runs but I am redirecting my energy into getting us ready to travel this week; an adventure we have not had in four years! Taper time is a wonderful time for me to reflect on this training cycle and my journey of transformation.

As I clicked on my google calendar and turned the page of my planner - there they were! All the activities for race week were saying to me, "Keep calm. It's Race Week!" I had an email from JetBlue reminding me about what I need to travel to Bermuda to ensure that surprises are not a part of the itinerary.

This training cycle has brought incredible gifts of seeing amazing sunrises on early morning runs, feeling stronger and more fit than I have since 2018, trusting my body and being grateful to my body for it all gives me. I can fit into clothes I haven't been able to fit in since 2018. I discovered clothes in my closet that now fit while packing for the warmer weather in Bermuda! I've relished rest and meditation time feeling the satisfaction that comes with training for a new goal.

During the past two weeks, as Team McManus was under the weather with COVID, I felt my habit of worry begin to intensify. With the physical and mental training for the 10K, I've been able to shift gears from imagining all that could go wrong to seeing with my 3rd eye that everything is going to go great. I can harness the power of my imagination to create wonderful outcomes or go to my 'dark and twisty' place. It takes the same amount of thought and one is oh so much more pleasant than the other. Besides, worrying, fear and anxiety only serve to rob me of today's happiness. Now I do greet myself with compassion and kindness when anxiety, worry and fear take root especially since I don't have running as one of my favorite ways to cope with worry. I feel incredibly blessed and grateful by the messages I am receiving through emails and social media posts fueling affirmations and suggesting 2024 is the year to write a new script. 

I could easily be a DNS - do not start - and allow Bermuda Marathon Weekend to be a vacation sitting by the pool or at the beach. I know that after the stress of COVID and Ruth Anne's health challenges, people would totally understand and be supportive. As I entertained those thoughts (as I had in our hotel room in the early morning hours of race day in 2018) I realized that's not who I am. I am well trained. My body achieves what my mind believes. Tom and I are worthy of this wondrous adventure that happens to include a celebration of healing and life.

I have NOT come this far to only go this far! I imagine how absolutely glorious it's going to feel to go the distance again and go the distance in Bermuda! The weather keeps shifting and changing which is typical for our beautiful Island in the middle of the Atlantic. I love when the long range forecast calls for wind and rain. Jackets and hats are packed. Seeing challenging weather circumstances helps me to mentally prepare to say "bring it on!" I plan to embrace and seize the days of our Bermuda adventure! And then if the conditions improve, it will be a pleasant surprise! 

On Saturday, Ruth Anne suggested we go to South Boston to do a gentle shake out walk. It was freezing with a serious wind chill. The sky was a brilliant blue and the sun shined brightly. I felt invigorated by the brisk air kissing my face. Our smiles reflected the joy we felt being together with 2023 being in the rear view mirror:

In a few more days, Tom and I will take our first plane trip since January 2020. I am keeping calm staying focused on imagining wondrous adventures even more amazing than what I can conjure up in my imagination. Checking things off on our packing list and to do list fuels the sense of excitement and anticipation. I am topping off the tank of mental training with lots of meditation, rest, hydration, reading "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor (a book recommended by Deena Kastor), listening to my Bermuda training playlist and remembering so many magical moments during my adventures as runnergirl 1953. I warm my heart and soul with memories of when our Coach from Spaulding Rehab met us on Heartbreak Hill during the 2009 Boston Marathon. He had tears in his eyes when he told me to go get my medal. Women's running pioneer and running champion Jacqueline Hansen met me out on the course of the 2016 Hyannis 10K. She gave me a hug and told me how strong I looked. I felt as though she was my fairy godmother telling me you will go to the ball. The feelings of being a back of the pack runner melted away. I am allowing the fears and worries of race day to melt away. Tom will be by my side every stride of the way. I haven't experienced the excitement of being a participant in race weekend since 2018. I already feel the buzz of energy that's unique and infectious to runners anticipating a race weekend, beginning with the runners gathering at the airport.

The Bermuda Triangle Challenge website lets me know that the Countdown is On!

It's time for me to keep calm! It's race week!

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

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