Thursday, May 16, 2024

Inspiration From Bill Rodgers!

 Ever since I became a part of the running community and met Bill Rodgers at the 2009 Hyannis Marathon Weekend, I was drawn to this quote of his: "Our stories are proof that passion and purpose in life can lay dormant for years. But then one day, you find your desire, your dreams, your strength. It was in you the whole time. And once you find it, you will never be the same. From that day forward you will put everything on the line, make every day count, test the limits of your heart and embrace the challenge of your Spirit."

Before the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, my only 'dream' was to work until I was 'eligible' for retirement at the VA and then work at Bloomingdale's. I wanted a job that would be in contrast to the intensity boots on the ground work I was  doing for over twenty years. I did not realize I was burned out nor did I know how to take better care of myself and had no idea there was a whole new life waiting for me on the other side of a devastating diagnosis!

In the first poem I wrote, "Running the Race," I imagined winning a 10K race despite never having run a day in my life. It foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon run. In my soon to be released 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior", I have a journal entry "Dreams Become Reality When Passion and Persistence Meet." Passion and persistence fueled my journey on the road to the 2024 Bermuda 10K. Experiencing my first DNF (did not finish for my non-runner readers) fueled my passion and persistence (and my stubborn nature) to go the 10K distance again with the Gone for a Run Virtual 10K Challenge.

On Monday, Ruth Anne and I went to Jamaica Pond to get in our morning miles. Jamaica Pond is where Bill Rodgers trained for the Boston Marathon. What an incredible blessing to experience the change of the seasons right before our very eyes. Jamaica Pond is where we trained for Boston in the brutal New England cold from 2008-2009. 

Jamaica Pond has its own beauty whatever the season, but my goodness, nothing compares to the magnificence of Jamaica Pond in Springtime!

During these past 15 years, I've been blessed to connect with Bill Rodgers at different events. One of the highlights of my encounters with Bill was at the 2020 Hyannis Marathon Weekend Pre-Race Pasta Dinner when I was blessed to share the stage with him. I was moved to tears as he shared my journey with the audience saying that a documentary should be made about my journey!


 The next day at the pre-race announcements, he encouraged runners to think of me and my journey if the going got tough out on the course. One of my favorite Bill Rodgers quotes is, "Life is hard. That's why we run. If we can tough it out on the roads, we can tough it out in life." 

When I told Bill how impressed I am that we can mingle with running greats like himself he said, "That's why we're the greatest sport."

He has been a champion of my journey. He celebrated my comeback races with me. When I told him at the Boston Run Show that I was a DNF at the Bermuda 10K, he said "Well you've got a ways to go before you catch up with my DNF's in Boston." He is always at the ready to pose for a photo:

When I asked him if he would write a book review for my soon to be released "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior," he wrote: "I enjoyed reading your new book, which is so appropriately titled, A Most Unlikely Runner....I especially like the way you understand Running as more than just the physical movement, and how you linked the great American Poet, Robert Frost to Running...  I know you will always be a Runner!"

At the Bill Rodgers 5K for Prostate Cancer, Bill inspired me to go for a PR. I accomplished what I set out to do and was celebrated after the race:

To get more inspiration from Bill Rodgers, read "Marathon Man: My 26.2 Mile Journey From Unknown Grad Student to the Top of the Running World" available on Amazon

As he wrote when he signed my copy of "Marathon Man," "Let's run forever." Sounds like solid inspiring advice to me!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline

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