Monday, May 20, 2024

Synchronicity At Its Finest: Bill Rodgers Somerville Jingle Bell Run and Walk


I had been working on my "Inspiration From Bill Rodgers" blog for several days. I had other things that drew my attention away from finishing the blog. To be honest, I started feeling frustrated, but on Thursday evening, I hit publish. Just as I posted the blog on social media, I received an email and saw social media posts about the 45th Bill Rodgers Somerville Jingle Bell Run and Walk. What are the chances, right? The race isn't until December 15th! I posted on the Fun Road Race Company's post, "This is such incredible timing, I did a blog post about Bill today" and shared the link. Much to my incredible surprise, Bill's significant other, Karen Gillespie, whom I first met at the Bill Rodgers 5K Run/Walk for Prostate Cancer in August of 2014 posted, "Mary McManus, YOU, my friend, are like Bill Rodgers and some of the other icons in our sport -- you inspire everyone you meet! Ever since we met, you've become one of my running sheros! Your newest book is a gem--and so are YOU!"

 I was so surprised! I sent off an email to Paul Collyer, aka Paulie Race Director for the Jingle Bell. I first met Paulie via email prior to the Hyannis 2009 Marathon Race Weekend. I sent him an email asking if it would be okay for me to do the Hyannis Half given my slow pace. He embraced my journey and said that the finish line stays open for the full marathon and said I'd be welcome. That weekend marked the beginning of so many amazing runner friends who have become like family; Paulie and Bill Rodgers among them!

It was a full circle moment when I checked last year's results of the Jingle Bell to see when the last runner crossed the finish line and then sent an email to Paulie. I let him know what my expected pace would be and if it would be okay to be a participant. Paulie replied, "all welcome Mary, especially you." Team McManus is signed up to be a part of the festivities.

In 2010, I experienced Christmas Magic at the Jingle Bell 5K.

Tom and Ruth Anne ran it in 2019 and it was a miraculous day!

I printed out the course map and we are going to drive it and run it ahead of time so I will know exactly what to expect come race day. I know that the Universe lined up everything to have me be off the sidelines and for Team McManus to once again do an in person road race together. It will be a challenging course especially in December but the joy of running with Tom and Ruth Anne at a Paulie race will far exceed the discomfort I'll experience. As I have said since I set out on this journey 17 years ago, I knew there would be pain and discomfort either from atrophy and lack of movement or the pain and discomfort that comes with challenging the body and becoming more fit. At 70+ years old, no one would 'blame' me for choosing to be on the sidelines but I know having goals to challenge myself keeps me young and healthy mind, body and soul. And when Synchronicity is at its finest, you just have to say yes to the Universe! 

See you at the starting line!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline



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