Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Boston Outdoor Expo - Day 2

Before the doors even opened to the second day of The Boston Outdoor Expo, the energy was electric fueled by the very presence of Rudy Reyes who was set to the take the Inspiration Stage to set the tone for an amazing day!
After the traditional queue giveaway, the Ambassadors for the Expo gathered for the ribbon cutting ceremony. I spotted Scott Jurek who said, before I could remind him of who I was and our meeting at The Boston Run Show, "I owe you an email!" I wrote to him about the upcoming release of my 7th book and asked if he would write a review. I presented him with an Author Copy and in true fan girling fashion tripped over my words saying, "Well if you get a chance to read it..." "Of course I'll read it," Scott replied.
After the ribbon cutting ceremony, I walked with Scott into the Expo and asked him for a photo. He said, "Of course. Let's take it with the book." He asked USA Marketing Director Chloe Hyland to take the photo which she eagerly and graciously agreed to take.

CEO of Raccoon Media Group Mike Seaman passed by and said, "Oh I see you're hanging with my buddy Scott." He gave me a big smile and a hug.

I headed to the Inspiration Stage where Dave Fatula was welcoming everybody to Day 2 of the Expo before introducing Rudy Reyes. He lit up the Convention Center with his infectious energy while also sharing his powerful and poignant story. Dave was a wonderful facilitator drawing out the highlights of Rudy's experiences and work both past and present. We were treated to an impromptu sharing of the YouTube video about the organization he founded, Force Blue Team that helps vets help the planet. I had goosebumps all over when Rudy shared how the organization brings in kids from Gold Star Families into the program. With warmth, wit, grit, vulnerability and honesty, Rudy captured the hearts of all in attendance.
Rudy took time to answer questions and to do a meet greet posing for photos, answering questions and offering support and guidance to the vets and their spouses in attendance. What a privilege and honor it was for me to take the photos and be privy to these tender conversations.

One of the themes for The Boston Outdoor Expo weekend was about the importance of representation. When we don't see someone like ourselves in an activity, we are hesitant to venture out and stake our claim to participate. But Kimber Cross would not let a limb difference stop her from becoming an adaptive ice climber and mountaineer. With her clear eyes and strong voice, she shared her journey with a combination of humility, humor and passion. Her motto is "I Can't. I Will. I Did." She reminded us that this cycle is not a once and done but can repeat as we challenge ourselves with different endeavors.

What a blessing to meet her, take photos for the meet and greet and share my journey. I told her that after a particularly challenging training run on the road to the 2009 Boston Marathon, my personal trainer told me to google Wilma Rudolph. I found my role model and strength to take on the Boston Marathon after reading her story. We talked about what a blessing she is to the children she teaches; how their lessons go far beyond learning the ABC's and extend to learning about life! 

I walked around the Expo after feeling incredibly inspired by Rudy and Kimber. The Boston Outdoor Expo promised over 120 brands, features and inspirational speakers all under one roof. They delivered! Two of my highlights were meeting Dan Minnich, founder of Waypoint Adventure. I started following them on Instagram after hearing about them from the Expo promos. Dan's passion for inclusion was evident as he shared his why for starting Waypoint Adventure. As one who has lived with different ability, I know how vital it is to provide opportunities for exploration of the great outdoors. What a great connection!

The Boston Harbor Islands had a booth depicting the natural beauty of the Islands. They are offering free ferry service the weekend of May 18-19 to Spectacle Island where I ran my first trail race several years ago. I am so excited to return there this year and take advantage of the great outdoors that is practically in my backyard. 

It was time to return to the Inspiration Stage for Scott Jurek. Although described as a living legend, Scott will be the first to say that he does not think of himself as a celebrity! He was quite surprised when somebody recognized him in an airport while he was wearing a mask. Dave and Scott engaged in a conversation that was quite different than having Scott talk about his previous achievements. Scott talked about how the everyday person can make their own adventure in a way that challenges the individual. He is emphatic that testing fortitude leads to transformation and developing confidence. He encouraged us all to keep our fire lit and fuel our passion.

Scott believes it is vital for us to feel alive like a kid when we plan our adventures from urban adventuring to more daring adventures that extend to over nights. He often gets asked "what's next for Scott Jurek?" He off-handedly said that he still has a few speed records in him. His eyes sparkled when he said how much joy he experiences being a sighted guide for runners. 

What an incredible way to end two days of inspiration, exploration, education, meeting up with old friends and making new connections. Scott's comment about feeling as though he's not a celebrity gave me pause. I wrote to him in a follow up thank you email, all of us who are out there spreading powerful messages of possibility, living by example and creating change in the world are celebrities in our own right! 

Thank you The Boston Outdoor Expo for a wonder filled weekend. Until next Spring when you join with The Boston Run Show for what is sure to be an epic weekend!
In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square

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