Tuesday, July 30, 2024

High Fives and Positive Vibes - Panda Posse 5K!


And the On the Runs podcast has brought many many amazing people into my life, like Maurice Lowman aka Marathon Panda. 

Before and after I was a guest on the On the Runs podcast, Ep 56, I became a huge fan of the pod tuning in every week. Episode 63 featured Maurice Lowman aka Marathon Panda. It was co-host Erika Hamel's birthday.  Maurice's birthday wish to Erika was filled with genuine, positive, infectious energy. I was riveted by his story that he shared with vulnerability, truth, honesty and integrity. Running and the running community saved his life. Maurice - Moe - Panda lives and breathes life with an attitude of gratitude. He had a vision for an all inclusive community run to bring runners together, to spread his message of hope, high fives, positivity and gratitude and to celebrate his outside run streak since 1/1/2016. You can do a google search and listen to his episode on the On the Runs podcast to learn more about who he is and how he is now a positivity and hope dealer.

I had emailed Marathon Sports Providence, the sponsor of the Panda Posse 5K to see if there was a time limit. While all paces would be warmly welcomed and there would be volunteers out on the course, I decided to do my virtual 5K and see what pace I could do as if I were racing. Moe's videos always fire me up to challenge myself to see what I can do. If you are on Instagram and don't already follow him, go to @marathonpandamaurice and you'll see what I'm talking about!

Saturday was a hot and humid day and while it's usually recommended to dial back the pace in the heat, something was fired up inside of me to see if I could break that elusive 1 hour mark  that I hadn't been able to break since I did the Virtual 5K First Run in 2023. Rather than look at my Garmin, I ran from the inside out remembering the words of my personal trainer when I trained for the 2009 Boston Marathon, "Let's see what this body can do." I was soaked with sweat and felt that delicious nausea that comes with an all out effort. Tom worked on Saturday and Ruth Anne was in the hospital. It was a solo run that gave me time and space to cleanse from the inside out! My time? 59:36 -- Age graded at 41:41.  Remember, for someone who was supposed to be in a wheelchair, I run pretty fast! I spent the afternoon resting and preparing for what I knew was going to be a spectacular Sunday event. I had no idea just how spectacular it was going to be!

We woke up at 6:00am to make sure we had plenty of time to find parking, find our way through the mall (we had a history of getting lost in Providence when Tom and Ruth Anne ran the Providence Half in 2022). There was no traffic and we found parking in the garage. But which way to go  to get to Marathon Sports? Fortunately we saw two runners with bibs who were kind enough to double back around and show us the way. Runners are like that...yeah they are.

What a joy to reunite with Maurice who I had met in person for the first time at the Boston Run Show in January. His Panda hug, his positivity and genuine gratitude for all who were there for the Panda Posse 5K warmed my heart and soul. His kindness and compassion pours from his every pore. Just look at that smile!


We went to the registration table where I got to meet Avery in person! She does the social media for Marathon Sports. We 'met' on line when she reached out to me to ask if they could use the photo and story for `A Full Circle Moment.'  I debated whether or not I should take our bibs since we weren't going to run. I decided to take them as souvenirs. After collecting our bibs and really amazing swag t-shirts, we headed to the start/finish line where the energy was all high fives and positive vibes.

We cheered on the runners and chatted with other members of the Marathon Sports marketing team who knew my story. We talked about the incredible turnout for this event and how Marathon Sports is dedicated to bringing community together. Their service to runners of all abilities and all ages extends far beyond the walls of their brick and mortar stores. We 'ran' into runner friends whom we have known through the years, made new friends finding out we had connections in common and enjoyed the camaraderie of the day. Maurice is a magnet who brings like-hearted people together.

I've known Charlie Breagy, Run Rhody race director extraordinaire through the years through Geoff Smith. Tom was wearing his Bermuda Half Marathon t-shirt that caught Charlie's eye as he finished the race. I'd know Charlie anywhere with his 6'+ stature. We chatted about his friendship with Geoff, (his record for the Bermuda 10K still stands), Run Rhody races and my running story. He thoroughly embraced my journey and said he'd like to share it with his network!

The Marathon Sports team really knows how to put on a premier event. At the finish line they had a jug filled with ice water with electrolytes and Gu Stroop Waffles. Back at the store there were refreshments with bagels, donuts and coffee, Burke Sports Rehab providing post-race massage and an opportunity to mix, mingle and shop. The staff provided outstanding customer service as I was looking for a birthday gift for Ruth Anne. My shopping was pleasantly interrupted when Melody Gamba arrived. She is the daughter of Marlene Gamba who I shared miles with at the Bermuda 10K at the back of the pack. We networked with store manager, Sean Duncan and the marketing team to build a relationship between Marathon Sports and Providence Fit Body Boot Camp! We talked about community, collaboration, health, wellness and senior wellness along with Sean's passion, purpose and mission in his role as Marathon Sports manager.

Our conversation was interrupted by Jess (Director of Marketing) and Avery's announcement that it was time for the raffle. I was thinking, "Oh I missed out. I didn't get a raffle ticket" when they said that it was based on bib numbers. 

"The first prize is for a pair of Oofos. It's bib #64!"

"That's me. I left the bibs in the car. Do you want me to go get it?"

"No. You're fine. Congratulations!"

I turned to Melody and Sean and shared with them how Ruth Anne loves Oofos and we were debating about whether or not to get her a pair for her birthday. We decided to pass for now since we'd already bought other gifts and they are pricey (but of course well worth it!) Avery, Sean and Melody helped me choose just the right pair and size as Melody took a photo:


As the after party wound down, we exchanged hugs, high fives and gratitude for a sensational Sunday morning celebrating hope, recovery, the power of community and positivity as the Panda Posse will continue to grow!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon  My 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" is receiving rave reviews and is a selection of the WBZ News Radio Book Club.

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