Friday, November 15, 2024

What Gives Me Hope!


In the wake of last week's election, what gives me hope? I have trust that we can meet any moment when we harness all the power within us as individuals and collectively. 

I saw this post on Reasons to be Cheerful Instagram page: We believe the collective impact of practical problem-solving is greater than any one person’s power. That why our election coverage hits a little different, and why, a few weeks ago, we asked you to answer an open-ended question:

No matter who wins, ___________________. Visit their Instagram page to read a beautiful poem that is the compilation of responses. 

After the election they posted,  Yes, it matters who wins.
But maybe what matters even more is how millions of people, on any given day, choose to live, work, fight and advocate for positive change. Maybe the cumulative effect of countless individuals, striving to improve the world around them, is larger than any decision made from behind a big wooden desk.

What gives me hope is what my friend Eliza posted on Facebook:

Although the outcome of the election was clearly not as many of us hoped for, Kamala Harris started a powerful movement in a very short time that I believe will gain momentum in the coming weeks, months and years to come. I have hope not based on how many seats are red or blue in Congress but by the outpouring of amazing energy at her rallies and rallies on her behalf all across the Nation. I have hope because of the people around me who are hopeful and optimistic despite all appearances right now; people who refuse to relinquish dreams and a vision for what's possible.

Science has proven time and again that we are powerful creators. I know this from my own journey. Just because something has not manifested in the now does not mean that it will not happen or that something even greater may emerge as a result of what got set in motion during the few months leading up to election day.

What gives me hope is this quote from Margaret Mead:

 Back in September, I saw a post from Lee Woodruff. She was a guest on the Optimism Institute's Blue Sky podcast. I was drawn to it like a magnet although I didn't seem to have the time to get to listening to it and reaching out to the podcast about being a guest until two weeks ago. Everything in Divine Timing. I listened to Lee's interview. I followed Blue Sky on Instagram and it was just what I needed to get through pre and post-election stress. 

I listened to Bill's latest episode and heard his guest share her definition of optimism. Yesterday morning I woke up at 5:30am with a knot in my stomach. A rather common occurrence since last Wednesday. I began my meditation as I do every morning in the quiet hours usually before anyone else gets up to clear my energy and set my intention for the day. I was so surprised when a poem flowed through me:

Optimism is a Way of Being

Optimism a way of being
buoyed by hope
beam from the lighthouse
quells fears
piercing darkness of current appearances
life raft keeping us afloat in troubled waters
Worrying makes us weary
sapping strength
din drowns out possibilities
What ifs what ifs
swirling thoughts in a riptide of doom
What if the tide turns
Tethered together
joining hands and hearts
like minded travelers
Inner compass to guide
Journey together
weathering storms
anchored in truth
drawing strength
Right is might
riding waves of uncertainty
Unwavering in love
swells of kindness and care
holding on to each other
navigating our way until the rainbow appears 

It was inspired by Simon Sinek’s quote  “Optimism is different than positive - and it's definitely not naive. Optimism is the belief that the future is positive, that there's a light at the end of the tunnel and we're heading there, together.”


In the coming days, weeks months and if need be years, you will find me harping on hope as I wrote about in this poem from Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the Pandemic:

Harping on Hope

Symphony of positivity
playful joyful
Harping on hope
harbingers of hope
seek and you will find

Darkness and despair disperse
divisions derisions cease
Tuning to Universe’s harmony
vibrations of Love
Lovely images dancing
seeing with Third Eye
Foretelling vibrant scenes
a world healed

uplifting voices
Joining as One
We rise!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements, where you can find my incredibly inspirational story and upcoming events.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon  My 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" is receiving rave reviews and is a selection of the WBZ News Radio Book Club.

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