Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Imagine - Believe - Achieve


"Imagination is everything. It's the preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”
~Napolean Hill

 When I set out on my healing quest 16 years ago, after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, my pen became my divining rod for healing writing poetry, harnessing the power of the mind/body connection. I imagined myself running a race although I had never run a day in my life. I imagined myself splashing in puddles without my leg brace and dancing in the rain. In my mind’s eye, I saw myself as happy, healthy, healing, whole and free. The first poem I wrote, “Running the Race,” foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon run. Training for the Boston Marathon meant training my mind for success at a sport that was foreign to me. I repeatedly watched the scene in Forrest Gump when he broke out of his leg brace while young Jenny yells “Run Forrest Run!”


After a serious knee injury in December 2014, I was told to stop running or cap my distance at a 5K and be prepared for a total knee replacement in a few years. I used various kinds of imagery to heal my left knee and grow a new gastroc muscle, partnering with a chiropractor who used KT taping, and chiropractic care while prescribing a new strength training regimen for me. 

At my comeback race, the Finish at the 50 on Independence Day (the metaphor is not lost on me) we met the Bermuda Marathon Weekend Race Director. It had been on my bucket list to run in Bermuda and then life happened. Tom and I were quickly drawn into the vortex of their delicious Bermudian accents and charming ways. Bermuda was our favorite vacation destination for years! We had made friends on the Island through the Sea and Surf Anglers Club of Boston. Anthony told me that if I could get to the Half Marathon distance, I would enjoy the race more than the 10K which had a very hilly course.

Another half marathon? Why thank you Universe - yes!

As I trained, I visualized a spectacular finish on Front Street. As we'd finish the final moments of our training runs, Tom and I would hold hands and then thrust them high in the air saying "Here comes Team McManus! Welcome back to Bermuda!" There was a photo on the website with finishers posing with the Town Crier. I imagined Tom and me posing for one of those photos.

And as we came into the finish line, the announcer said, "Here come Tom and Mary McManus from Chestnut Hill Massachusetts. Welcome to Bermuda!"

In January of 2024, I will be taking on the Bermuda 10K which is the 2nd race in the Bermuda Triangle Challenge Weekend. Before our Saturday runs, I take out the course map and visualize going mile by mile through the gorgeous Bermuda hills and running by the uniquely blue waters of Bermuda.


This past Saturday we did a tempo run around Jamaica Pond. 

Tom and Ruth Anne run at their pace as we run in opposite directions. They are training for the Bay State Half Marathon which is Half Marathon #3 in Ruth Anne's Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs. We high five and check in with each other as we meet up. I am so blessed and grateful to have such a great team and support crew cheering me on as I take on a new goal. I always make time to stop and savor the beauty of nature around me. At the end of our run, we take selfies and celebrate what we achieved during the training run.

It still feels surreal that I am training again for 10K especially on the Bermuda hills. Throughout this training cycle, I am using the mantra imagine - believe - achieve. Next Saturday I begin to slowly build mileage. I have complete trust in my body's tremendous capacity to heal again after an adverse reaction to the 2nd COVID vaccine and to continue to build strength and endurance despite having once been diagnosed with a progressive neuromuscular disease.

Imagine -- Believe -- Achieve!!!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to susbscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode #56. Join us on episode 56 for lovely Mary McManus as she shares her remarkable and inspiring story of hope and unimaginable possibilities that she made happen after being diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome and being told she would live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But at the age of 53, Mary wasn't going to let that happen and she started doing something for the very first time in her life, Run. However before she could start that journey, she needed to get a pair of running shoes first.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Sixteen Years Ago! What Had I Done?


It was a beautiful sunny day with a bright blue sky as I pulled out of my driveway to head to the Jamaica Plain Campus of the Boston VA Healthcare System. I had to 'clear out' visiting different departments before I would officially 'terminate' my employment as an award winning social worker just three years shy of when I was 'eligible' for retirement. May 25, 2007 would have been my father's 86th birthday. It was the date my daughter 'randomly' chose after I had been diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome followed by an abnormal mammogram that I was able to reverse harnessing the power of the mind/body connection. It was the Universe's way of telling me to let go and take that leap of faith to heal my life and follow my newfound bliss as a poet and writer. 

When I got home, I sat in my yard working on the manuscript of my first book "New World Greetings: Inspirational Poetry and Musings for a New World.' I felt an odd mix of exhilaration and fear.  I asked myself "What had I just done?" It was a question I'd ask myself many times throughout these past 16 years as I took different risks going way beyond my comfort zone.

I can now answer that question. What had I done? I had left behind the stress that was taking a toll on me mind, body and soul. I had loved caring for veterans and their families but I had forgotten how to care for myself. I had a classic case of burnout.  

I left feeling a sense of great accomplishment validated by these two gifts and many others that veterans and their families presented to me as I was leaving:









What had I done? I allowed creativity to flow through what I came to call my pen, my Divining rod for healing as I wrote poetry about gratitude, and forgiveness to heal my traumatic past while harnessing the power of the mind/body connection to create a future very different than the one predicted for me by Western Medicine.

I embarked on a journey of adventure having no idea where the path may lead but trusting in Divine Guidance every step of the way. Those steps turned into miles - marathon miles as I crossed the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon.

When I told my personal trainer that I wanted to run the 2009 Boston Marathon having never run a day in my life and still wearing a toe up leg brace, I asked myself what had I done? I had set out on a quest to see what this body was capable of. What had I done? I crossed a finish line that became a moment of redemption for me and a story of healing, hope and unimaginable possibilities to share with the world.



The journey of transformation can be messy at times filled with trials, tribulations and triumphs. As I share my journey as a motivational speaker or as a guest on radio shows and podcasts, I am honest and vulnerable. Yet I also share how I see life through a lens of optimism, faith, gratitude and hope and joy.









I love this Mark Twain quote:

It's another beautiful May 25th now 16 years later. I'll be getting in my miles, working on my 7th book in my yard and feeling gratitude overflow from my heart with no disappointments or regrets celebrating that I found the courage to take that leap of faith and fly!

Be sure to listen to Episode 56 of the On the Runs podcast by following this link. Subscribe and download to this podcast overflowing with stories of grit and determination including my remarkable story that took me from being told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Training with Purpose

 I had resigned myself to training for my health and wellness after I had an untoward reaction to the second COVID vaccine. Forever grateful for the miracle of healing in my life since the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I was content to be support crew for Tom and Ruth Anne as they ran their Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs. Ruth Anne was far from content to have me on the sidelines. While she loved running her own races at her own pace or with her dad at his pace, she told me she missed being out on the roads with me. Our last in person race together was the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon.

Once again, the Universe had other plans for me. Before I knew what happened, the airline and hotel were booked and I was registered for the Bermuda 10K Walk happening next January as part of the Bermuda Triangle Challenge.

Ever since I made the commitment to this next challenge with a distance I have not trained for since 2018 that incorporates a series of hills akin to Heartbreak Hill, I have been feeling joy deep within me with every training run and strength training workout. This goal has ignited a fire within me. I am keenly focusing my meditations on the mind/body connection, I have the course map on our refrigerator and as my Facebook cover photo. Success is the only option.


I have a training plan carefully crafted that incorporates fartleks, tempo runs, hills and building distance at a pace that I know my body will be able to adapt to.  I discovered  that initially I was pushing too hard and too fast. I need to constantly monitor those Type A personality traits. 

We had a phenomenal training run at Jamaica Pond on Saturday. Ruth Anne is training for the BAA 10K happening on June 25th. She warmed up and cooled down with Tom and me while doing her 4 miles at her pace. It was a wonderful tempo run with negative splits for all of us. I even tried to pass another power walker out on the path. I almost caught him but I realized I did not want to push that hard this early in my training.

We always make sure to take time to enjoy Nature's beauty:

Rain was in the forecast for after 1pm and we thought we'd be done by then but the front quickly moved in with wind and rain. Fortunately we brought light jackets with us. Tom joked with me saying, "I sure am glad I decided to bring these jackets with us," when it was my idea to 'be prepared." We chatted about how many clothes we are going to need to pack for Bermuda since one never knows what the weather will be in January. One thing we do know for sure, as former Bermuda Marathon Weekend Race Director told us in 2015 after asking what the weather would be in January, "I can guarantee you there will be no snow in Bermuda in January!" There was hail when we were there in 2020 but the front moved out in time for the Bermuda 10K.

I love the rekindled sense of adventure as we train for Bermuda.


Beginning in June, I will start to slowly increase mileage. I am going to cap my distance at 5.5 miles although I know 'they' often recommend capping mileage at 7 miles. I can sense what my body needs to be able to have a successful race day giving myself plenty of time to adapt to adding on miles, working on speed and training on hills. I've run many 10K's, several half marathons and of course the Boston Marathon. I am remembering how I felt with 10K PR's and how amazing I felt running 3 Half Marathons in Bermuda. I went on to finish a very challenging 2017 Half with the help of Tom and an earth angel at mile 12. I know what this body is capable of and setting this new goal helps to create possibilities again taking my healing journey to the next level.

Every strength training workout and every training run is infused with feeling that they take me one step closer to the starting line in Bermuda while also savoring every moment of this incredible journey.

On Thursday, 5/25, I celebrate 16 years of healing after taking a leap of faith leaving behind my award winning career as a VA social worker to heal my life. What a blessing that I've been able to wow audiences with my powerful message of healing, hope and unimaginable possibilities.

Mike Reilly recently featured my story on his Stories From the Finish Line.

Episode 56 on the On the Runs podcast takes you on my journey from contracting childhood paralytic polio and enduring years of abuse at the hands of family members, to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and my many adventures as runnergirl 1953. How amazing to give the Pod the exclusive scoop of my next running adventure in Bermuda.

Be sure to check out my website to be inspired by what's possible beyond all appearances to the contrary. My News and Events page is filled with inspirational interviews and features in news and books.

Be sure to check out my books on Amazon, especially my Trilogy of Transformation that makes for great summer reading!

When I reflect on where I was a year ago, to how I feel today, it is exhilarating to be training with purpose again!

From my heart to yours,

In health and wellness,

Saturday, May 20, 2023

You're Never Too Old....

 Sixteen years ago I took a leap of faith and left behind my award winning career as a VA social worker. My top priority was to heal my life from the once devastating effects of childhood paralytic polio and trauma that manifested in the guise of Post-Polio Syndrome. I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair and expect an accelerated decline in functioning as I aged.

I discovered the gift of poetry in my soul that turbo charged my healing process harnessing the power of the mind/body connection.  I had a dream that I would become a NY Times Bestselling Author, appear on Oprah and amaze people with how I left behind my career as a social worker to follow my bliss as a poet and writer. I would wow audiences with how I overcame my childhood challenges to have not one, but two successful careers reinventing myself at the age of 53.

In February of 2008, I declared to my personal trainer after meeting my initial goals of getting off of the couch and a low toilet seat without assistance that I wanted to come out of my toe up leg brace, go outside

for a walk, feel free in my body and dance again (I took ballet before I contracted paralytic polio) and diversify my workouts. She gathered up her bags and was ready to leave with her hand on the door knob when I said "Wait, I have one more goal!"

"What's that she asked?"

"I want to run the 2009 Boston Marathon for Spaulding Rehab."

Totally non-plussed, she said, "Well you're going to need a pair of running shoes."

And so it came to be that instead of becoming a NY Times Bestselling Author and appearing on Oprah, (although there's still time for that), I went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon inspiring others with my powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.

In 2014, I ran 9 races with 9 PR's that resulted in a very serious knee injury blowing out my left knee. I was told I should never have started running and to prepare to have a total knee replacement in a few years. I needed to stop running or cap my distance at a 5K or 5 miles. Always being the compliant patient, I double downed on my healing journey partnering with a chiropractor who led me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Candace Pert, Ph.D.

I healed my left knee, grew a new gastroc muscle and returned to running. At my comeback race, Finish at the 50 at Gillette Stadium, I met the race directors of Bermuda Marathon Weekend. It had been on my bucket list to run in Bermuda and then life happened. I ran three consecutive Bermuda Half Marathons in 2016, 2017 and 2018. After the half in 2018, I was ready to keep my running to shorter distances. Tom and Ruth Anne ran the 2020 Bermuda 10K insisting that we return the following year and I join them in 2021. They have a 10K Walk which accommodates back of the pack runners like myself. I said "No" and was quite content to be support crew for them. And then COVID.

I did Virtual Races during COVID; running was a life saver during the pandemic. 

I prepared to receive the vaccines with hydration, fueling, meditation, mind/body practices and a positive mindset about how my body would react to the vaccine. The first vaccine went well but after the second vaccine, I experienced uncomfortable symptoms of severe joint pain, nerve pain and had to curtail my workouts and running.

I knew that I did not come that far to only go that far. I got to work with intense meditation, honored where my body was and adjusted my workouts. Towards the end of last year, I told myself enough was enough. I had to do something to shift the energy and once again move forward in my healing journey. Ruth Anne was supportive and encouraging, suggesting that we do the Virtual First Run of 2023. There would be no time pressure and I could enjoy the thrill of being a part of a race again. Tom and Ruth Anne did the 10K as we went in opposite directions around the Reservoir while I did a 5K.  I took a week off from running between Christmas and New Year's focusing on stretching, strength training and becoming mentally prepared for my come back.

Here is the link to the race recap. I felt absolutely wonderful. My hope and confidence in what this body can do was fueled by my taking the risk to possibly go too far. 

I started following Ron Kuzsmar, a runner training for his first marathon who was documenting his training on TikTok. He was a guest on the On the Runs podcast.

I was hooked on the Pod. Hearing inspiring stories and watching Ron train for his first marathon lit a fire within me to set a new goal.

Last year we explored the possibility of going to Bermuda for Race Weekend but there were no flights. 

After spectating the Boston Marathon,  Ruth Anne decided that it was time for something epic in our lives now that COVID is over. She logged onto Jet Blue and they had flights available for Race Weekend. The rates had just been posted at the Grotto Bay Resort for Race Weekend. I emailed our friends in Bermuda to see if they knew about a time limit for the Walk. They put me in touch with the Race Director who assured me that they would love to have me be a part of the 10K event for race weekend.  

I waffled back and forth but Ruth Anne said she would feel very depressed if I stayed on the sidelines. I recalled what Dave McGillivray wrote to me when he signed his book "The Last Pick," "Set goals not limits."

And so I am:

On Christmas Day I turn 70 years young. We will celebrate with a week in Bermuda capped off with a 10K on the Bermuda hills. Remember you are never too old...

Be sure to listen to Episode 56 on the On the Runs podcast in which I share my journey, the intense challenges I had to overcome throughout my life and how finding my way to the sport of running changed my life.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

On the Runs Podcast: The People Running Has Brought Into My Life


While waiting for Ruth Anne to cross the finish line of the Newburyport Half Marathon in October, I struck up a conversation with the finish line announcers sharing Ruth Anne's remarkable running journey and her quest to raise $10,000 for Victory Programs by running a Trilogy of Half Marathons. I tracked down the emcees and connected with the Enjoy Your Life Brand and the race announcers.

Ricardo Reynoso invited me to join the Running United Nationwide Facebook group. I shared Ruth Anne's fundraising page and information about gift giveaways, while connecting with a group of like hearted individuals with a passion for running and sharing inspiring journeys. One of those runners is Ron Kuzsmar who posted about running his first marathon in Providence. He documented his training on his TikTok and posted the videos on Facebook and Instagram. He shared in the group that he was a guest on the On the Runs Podcast (Episode 47) with his Coach Nicole Bryant. 

After hearing that first episode, I was hooked. I went through the archives listening to episodes that intrigued me while keeping up with their weekly episodes. I was new to Instagram and was inspired by "The Pod" to increase my visibility and postings to highlight my own epic journey while reaching out to On the Runs asking if they'd like me to be a guest. Eric and I had an instant connection since I am also a parent of twins (mine now grown; his as toddlers). When Eric was trying to recover from various ailments that were going through his household, Erika reached out to me to schedule a time to be a guest on The Pod. 

I wrote this 5 star review after listening to several episodes and following On the Runs on social media particularly inspired by their live coverage of the Boston Marathon out on the Hills.


I connected with their guests and friends of guests on Instagram and Facebook while planning to meet in person in Providence. Half Marathon #2 for my daughter's Trilogy was the Providence Half. 

Unfortunately, my husband had a fall and bruised his ribs. They opted to run the Virtual Race instead but the great thing about social media is, it can be the next best thing to being there. 

Hearing all of the inspirational stories on the Pod inspired me to set a new goal. I told Eric in our pre-show conversation that I wanted On the Runs to have the exclusive. I had been teasing on Facebook that I was training to be on the road to... and shared with Eric that I was going back to Bermuda to do the Bermuda 10K as part of Race Weekend. He said that he wouldn't even let Erika know about my goal until we recorded the podcast. Eric and I had a phenomenal pre-show conversation to prep for the show. I knew it was going to be my favorite podcast appearance and I was right!

During the interview,  I shared with Eric and Erika that after I took the leap of faith to leave my award winning career as a VA social worker to heal my life from the once devastating effects of paralytic polio and trauma, I created New World Greeting Cards, original poetry for every occasion. Eric suggested that I write a poem for On the Runs.

On the Runs podcast launched in 2021
by four college besties who designed a podcast about those who run.
OTR morphed and transformed and now there are two
Eric and Erika hold the mics pouring their hearts and souls into all that they do.

Inspiring stories with journeys that will move you to laugh and to cry
they take exquisite time to prep notes while asking questions on the fly.
There’s a wonderful flow as hosts and guests banter with ease
after to one episode you listen you’ll say give me more please.

They craft each podcast with dedication and care
editing with precision before on social media they share.
To enrich the experience there’s videos to enhance what’s been said
this podcast brings so much more than just another talking head.

You’ll be wowed by the people who dare to be vulnerable and real
how they found their way to running so their lives they could heal.
Guests share phenomenal goals set with determination and grit
Eric and Erika help them to shine using compassion, warmth and wonderful wit.

They get personal and intimate painting portraits of life
how getting moving was used to overcome challenges and strife.
From addiction to illness, obesity and more
guests share their strength and resilience for whatever life had in store.

Beyond  achieving goals for themselves there’s a purpose greater than speed
guests using their races to fundraise to help others in need.
The “Pod” is so much more than ego saying “look what I can do”
it educates while entertaining and yes there are stories of a “code brown” or two.

Subscribe and download be sure to follow on Facebook and “The Gram”
On the Runs podcast is the “reel” deal and that’s no flim flam.
Become a Patreon supporter to give thanks for such a great show
helping OTR podcast to continue to flourish and grow.

 Eric wrote a magnificent description for Episode 56 of the On the Runs Podcast:

"Join us on episode 56 for lovely Mary McManus as she shares her remarkable and inspiring story of hope and unimaginable possibilities that she made happen after being diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome and being told she would live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But at the age of 53, Mary wasn't going to let that happen and she started doing something for the very first time in her life, Run. However before she could start that journey, she needed to get a pair of running shoes first."

Here's the link to the episode on Apple podcasts. Be sure to subscribe, download and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Be sure to check out the archives for more amazing stories! Who knows what amazing people will come into your life?!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website at  to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Spontaneity - Where Should We Run Today?

 Most Saturday mornings we ask the question, 'Where shall we run today?' South Boston was having a race. We weren't feeling a trip to Wollaston Beach. We pondered heading over to Jamaica Pond or just heading out the door to run the Rezzie. Ruth Anne spontaneously said, "Why don't we go to Falmouth?"

We slept in until 8:00am still recovering from the rigors of fundraising, and Tom and Ruth Anne's Half Marathon training. By the time we finished breakfast after meditation, stretched and got dressed, it was around 9:30. Ordinarily, I would have said we'd get there too late to start our run or ask questions that would have put the brakes on the idea. Instead, we got into gear and packed up for a day trip to Falmouth that would include our 5K run. It was hot here in Boston and we were dressed to run in the heat but knowing there can be a sea breeze, we grabbed sweatshirts along with fueling and hydration. We had no plans for where we would have lunch and opened ourselves to experiencing where we would be guided throughout the day.

There was no traffic going over the Bourne Bridge; a scene that will be quite different in two weeks when it will be the start of summer here in New England.

We enjoyed delightful conversation reminiscing about trips to the Cape in years past giving thanks for a dear friend who introduced us to the beauty of Falmouth many years ago. Coincidentally, we were remembering the time when we were going with our friend to Martha's Vineyard for a day trip. When we were in Falmouth, the sun shined brightly and we left our sweatshirts in the car. As we departed on the Island Queen for the Vineyard, dense fog encircled us. We were so cold by the time we got off of the boat that our first stop was at a souvenir shop to get sweatshirts!

We wondered if perhaps we should have worn warmer running clothes as we saw the fog along Vineyard Sound:

Fortunately, the fog was moving out and radiant sunshine blessed our 5K run:

The next big Saturday question after our run is "what's for lunch?"

Shipwrecked, the restaurant across the street from the beach had a 45 minute wait. We'd driven by the Black Dog Heights Cafe several times on our day trips to Falmouth. The menu looked wonderful and we had eaten at the Black Dog Cafe on Martha's Vineyard back in the day. 

The lunch just cleared out when we arrived. We had our choice of outdoor seating. The staff at the Restaurant was delightful and attentive. The food was phenomenal!

Ruth Anne had the Farro Salad and bought a bag of granola to bring home. I had a chappy salad wrap with cole slaw. A white wrap can often taste chalky but this tasted like flaky pastry crust. The filling of veggies, chicken and melted fresh mozzarella was melt in your mouth delicious. I am very particular about how I like my cole slaw. The Black Dog delivered! Tom had the lightly fried Cod Sandwich pictured below.
After lunch we headed back to the beach where a parking spot was waiting for us. Ruth Anne spotted a penny and then a dime and another penny:

We allowed the sounds of the sea, the laughter of a group putting up a volleyball net and the banter of beach goers around us to fill our hearts with gratitude and joy.  Such a special and sacred place to celebrate 16 years of healing after taking a leap of faith from my award winning social worker career on 5/25!

We unpacked the car, fired up the grill and savored grilled salmon with leftover sliced potatoes and a big salad to top off a perfect 10 day fueled by spontaneity!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon  

Monday, May 8, 2023

Running for Victory


Last August, Ruth Anne declared that she was going to run a Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs with a fundraising goal of $10,000. Tom and I were a bit startled at first since she had just raised $8000 by running the 2022 Providence Half Marathon but I knew deep in my soul this was something that was important to her. You can read more of the back story in a recent article by Boston College by following this link. It also shares how our running journeys intertwined 17 years ago when I was diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome.

The initial plan was to run the Newburyport Half Marathon in October, either the Hyannis or New Bedford Half in March and finish with the Providence Half in May.

Newburyport brought Ruth Anne a new Half Marathon PR. Tom wasn't able to run because he was still recovering from Providence in May. The Hyannis Half was on the weekend of our 45th Wedding Anniversary. They were trained, poised and ready to run New Bedford when we discovered there was a strict 3 hour time limit. Fortunately the race director reimbursed our registration fee. Tom and Ruth Anne registered for the Bay State Half in October.

It was an odd training cycle for Providence. They had a great base for running the Half and we had to balance maintaining pace and endurance with the extended time of training for Providence. About a month ago, while on one of their last long training runs, Tom tripped and fell bruising his ribs! 

We went back and forth with what to do. We initially settled on going to Providence with Tom and I cheering on Ruth Anne. Two weeks ago, I could sense Ruth Anne was unsettled about Providence. She didn't want to run the race without Tom but knew that driving, packing and unpacking while his ribs were still healing would not be a good idea. We both were inspired to have them change to the Virtual Race.

Tom was still hurting and struggling with his runs. He increased his stretching and had several more visits with his Sports Acupuncturist, George Leung. We went back and forth with whether or not Tom would do a 5K with me and we'd be support crew for Ruth Anne, we'd all do a 5K together and then Ruth Anne would run her race or Tom and Ruth Anne would run together with me doing a 5K and being support crew.  Tom is also passionate about supporting the individuals running their marathons of healing and recovery, had been trained until his little fall and loves running side by side, stride by stride with Ruth Anne.

We got up at 6:15am, meditated, had breakfast and set an intention for happy, healthy and safe running! We decided that Tom and Ruth Anne would do their 5 minute warm up with me and then get into their race pace mode. Since it was virtual there was no time pressure (which Tom felt last year at the in person race and how he started cramping at mile 11.) Rather than wait until Tom's body said "I need to walk," they used the Galloway Method of walking and running. There was a wonderful breeze off of the Reservoir along with stretches of shade. Our friends running in Providence posted about the record breaking heat. There were hills and little shade. I am always in awe of how things turn out for the best.

As I did my 5K, I took photos and cheered them on.



Ruth Anne and Tom texted me with updates of how well they were doing. They had rest rooms available and places to refill their water bottles. I made sure they had adequate fuel in their fuel belts and reminded them to take their nutrition at regular intervals.

Ruth Anne took photos to capture the beauty of the day as well as how strong Tom looked and felt on the 13.1 journey.

I met them back at the Reservoir to take a video of them coming into the 'finish line':


Tom and Ruth Anne felt amazing after their epic accomplishment. It was Ruth Anne's 3rd Half Marathon in a year. She has raised almost $15,000 to support Victory Programs life saving work. They have one more Half Marathon to go in October and would LOVE to see that tote board climb to over $10,000. Follow this link to make a donation.

They ran with a sense of determination and purpose today overcoming obstacles along the way; running for those running their marathons of healing and recovery with the compassionate and caring staff of Victory Programs.

Two down and one to go! Running for Victory!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website at  to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...