Friday, May 31, 2024

Book Review-North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail


I met Scott Jurek at the 2024 Boston Run Show. I was moved to share my story with him. He said while he loves runners who break records (of course Scott being one of the greatest runners of all time), the sport needs stories of inspiration like mine. He told me his mother lived with MS so he understood the effects of a neuromuscular condition. What a thrill to see Scott again at the Boston Outdoor Expo in April. He is gracious, humble and kind. When I asked him if we could take a photo together, he said, "Let's do it with your book." I emailed Scott with info about my latest book after the Run Show and when I heard he would be speaking at the Expo. He had 'warned' me at  the Boston Run Show he wasn't very good with email but as soon as he saw me and gave me a hug he said, "I owe you an email but then I knew I'd be seeing you here at the Expo."

 After hearing him speak on two occasions and having these warm and wonderful conversations with Scott, I dusted off my copy of "North:Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail." Even though I knew that he had achieved his goal of beating the previous FKT (fastest known time) for the AT (Appalachian Trail), I found myself holding my breath at times wondering how is he possibly going to do it.

This thrilling memoir lays bare the soul of Scott Jurek who is known as  a living legend renowned for his speed and endurance. "North" also lays bare the intimate details of his relationship with his strong, resilient, determined, no-nonsense (read as no BS) wife, Jenny. I loved how the memoir is written in each of their voices. We are treated to experiencing the views from Scott on the trail and Jenny as support crew in their make shift home away from home while Scott chased the FKT on the AT.

The vulnerability shared by Jenny and Scott and the way they talk about their relationship moved me to tears and goosebumps. The harrowing experiences left me gasping and wondering, did he make it out alive which of course I knew the answer to since I'd just been with Scott at the Boston Outdoor Expo.

Scott's mind, body and soul are wrung out on the pages of his journey along the Appalachian Trail. His resilience and coming back stronger than ever to achieve the goal he set out to accomplish sent chills up my spine. The soul lessons he learned are profound; lessons we can all learn when we set out to challenge ourselves way outside of our comfort zone. Jenny faces her own health challenges after a life threatening miscarriage, and manages what's happening with her body while crewing for Scott with grace, grit and determination. As happens on the roads/trails and in life, just when we think we can't take another step, we are able to dig deep and keep moving forward most often because of the angels that are there just when we need them most. Scott refers to them as trail angels. The strength of Scott and Jenny's relationship endures today as they raise two beautiful children. 

The trajectory of Scott and Jenny's life as individuals and as a couple was transformed by their experiences while Scott set the record for the FKT on the Appalachian Trail. My life has been inspired by reading "North:Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail" and being blessed to connect with Scott in person and on the pages of his memoir!


Available on Amazon


In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

"A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior is now available.  Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Celebrating 17 Years of Healing!


 I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when I woke up on Saturday 5/25th as I celebrated the 17th anniversary of when I took a leap of faith leaving behind my award-winning social work career in the wake of a devastating diagnosis to heal my life and follow my newfound bliss as a poet and author. I had no idea what wondrous adventures were waiting for me beyond my office door! 

17 years ago I sat in my front yard wearing a toe up leg brace and using a cane at times for mobility. I had a manuscript for my book of poetry, "New World Greetings:Inspirational Poetry and Musings for a New World." I wondered "What had I done?" leaving behind a steady paycheck and a 25 year social work career to heal my life and follow my new found bliss as a poet and author. Yet I knew it was time to follow a new path.


 I thought it would be most fitting to choose 5/25/2024 as Pub Date for my 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" now available in Paperback and Kindle on Amazon where my previous 6 books are available for purchase. That first book I clutched in my lap on that day 17 years ago morphed into "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life." The book, "Coming Home:A Memoir of Healing, Hope and Possibility" that I thought would be my once and done book became a Trilogy of Transformation. "Going the Distance:The Power of Endurance" with a Foreword by Jacqueline Hansen, pioneer of women's running and at one time world record holder and "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953." I wrote two books during the pandemic which brings us to book number seven!

 I am blessed and grateful that "A Most Unlikely Runner" is a selection of the WBZ Book Club. Early reviews have warmed my heart and soul from: Mike Seaman, CEO of Raccoon Media Group, Jordan Rich, WBZ Host, Bill Rodgers, 4 time New York and Boston Marathon Champion and Olympian, Hilary Topper, award winning Public Relations Professional and critically acclaimed author of "From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete" and the man, the myth, the legend, Dave McGillivray. You can read their reviews on the book's Amazon page.


What better way to celebrate 17 years of healing than with a fabulous fun-filled 5K with Team McManus. Being out in nature unplugged and spending time with Tom and Ruth Anne is a gift that fills my heart with gratitude. Every step is a gift and every mile is a blessing. We savored the sights, sounds and scents of the first unofficial weekend of summer in Boston.

So much joy and gratitude filled my heart as I celebrated 17 years of healing after having the courage to take a leap of faith and leave behind the 'security' of a full time, well paying and once incredibly satisfying career as an award-winning social worker at the VA. I felt the grace coursing through ever fiber of my Being with releasing my 7th book that I know will inspire and touch the hearts and souls of all who read it and being able to feel free in my body with a fabulous fun filled 5K.

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

"A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior is now available.  Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline

Monday, May 20, 2024

Synchronicity At Its Finest: Bill Rodgers Somerville Jingle Bell Run and Walk


I had been working on my "Inspiration From Bill Rodgers" blog for several days. I had other things that drew my attention away from finishing the blog. To be honest, I started feeling frustrated, but on Thursday evening, I hit publish. Just as I posted the blog on social media, I received an email and saw social media posts about the 45th Bill Rodgers Somerville Jingle Bell Run and Walk. What are the chances, right? The race isn't until December 15th! I posted on the Fun Road Race Company's post, "This is such incredible timing, I did a blog post about Bill today" and shared the link. Much to my incredible surprise, Bill's significant other, Karen Gillespie, whom I first met at the Bill Rodgers 5K Run/Walk for Prostate Cancer in August of 2014 posted, "Mary McManus, YOU, my friend, are like Bill Rodgers and some of the other icons in our sport -- you inspire everyone you meet! Ever since we met, you've become one of my running sheros! Your newest book is a gem--and so are YOU!"

 I was so surprised! I sent off an email to Paul Collyer, aka Paulie Race Director for the Jingle Bell. I first met Paulie via email prior to the Hyannis 2009 Marathon Race Weekend. I sent him an email asking if it would be okay for me to do the Hyannis Half given my slow pace. He embraced my journey and said that the finish line stays open for the full marathon and said I'd be welcome. That weekend marked the beginning of so many amazing runner friends who have become like family; Paulie and Bill Rodgers among them!

It was a full circle moment when I checked last year's results of the Jingle Bell to see when the last runner crossed the finish line and then sent an email to Paulie. I let him know what my expected pace would be and if it would be okay to be a participant. Paulie replied, "all welcome Mary, especially you." Team McManus is signed up to be a part of the festivities.

In 2010, I experienced Christmas Magic at the Jingle Bell 5K.

Tom and Ruth Anne ran it in 2019 and it was a miraculous day!

I printed out the course map and we are going to drive it and run it ahead of time so I will know exactly what to expect come race day. I know that the Universe lined up everything to have me be off the sidelines and for Team McManus to once again do an in person road race together. It will be a challenging course especially in December but the joy of running with Tom and Ruth Anne at a Paulie race will far exceed the discomfort I'll experience. As I have said since I set out on this journey 17 years ago, I knew there would be pain and discomfort either from atrophy and lack of movement or the pain and discomfort that comes with challenging the body and becoming more fit. At 70+ years old, no one would 'blame' me for choosing to be on the sidelines but I know having goals to challenge myself keeps me young and healthy mind, body and soul. And when Synchronicity is at its finest, you just have to say yes to the Universe! 

See you at the starting line!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline



Thursday, May 16, 2024

Inspiration From Bill Rodgers!

 Ever since I became a part of the running community and met Bill Rodgers at the 2009 Hyannis Marathon Weekend, I was drawn to this quote of his: "Our stories are proof that passion and purpose in life can lay dormant for years. But then one day, you find your desire, your dreams, your strength. It was in you the whole time. And once you find it, you will never be the same. From that day forward you will put everything on the line, make every day count, test the limits of your heart and embrace the challenge of your Spirit."

Before the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, my only 'dream' was to work until I was 'eligible' for retirement at the VA and then work at Bloomingdale's. I wanted a job that would be in contrast to the intensity boots on the ground work I was  doing for over twenty years. I did not realize I was burned out nor did I know how to take better care of myself and had no idea there was a whole new life waiting for me on the other side of a devastating diagnosis!

In the first poem I wrote, "Running the Race," I imagined winning a 10K race despite never having run a day in my life. It foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon run. In my soon to be released 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior", I have a journal entry "Dreams Become Reality When Passion and Persistence Meet." Passion and persistence fueled my journey on the road to the 2024 Bermuda 10K. Experiencing my first DNF (did not finish for my non-runner readers) fueled my passion and persistence (and my stubborn nature) to go the 10K distance again with the Gone for a Run Virtual 10K Challenge.

On Monday, Ruth Anne and I went to Jamaica Pond to get in our morning miles. Jamaica Pond is where Bill Rodgers trained for the Boston Marathon. What an incredible blessing to experience the change of the seasons right before our very eyes. Jamaica Pond is where we trained for Boston in the brutal New England cold from 2008-2009. 

Jamaica Pond has its own beauty whatever the season, but my goodness, nothing compares to the magnificence of Jamaica Pond in Springtime!

During these past 15 years, I've been blessed to connect with Bill Rodgers at different events. One of the highlights of my encounters with Bill was at the 2020 Hyannis Marathon Weekend Pre-Race Pasta Dinner when I was blessed to share the stage with him. I was moved to tears as he shared my journey with the audience saying that a documentary should be made about my journey!


 The next day at the pre-race announcements, he encouraged runners to think of me and my journey if the going got tough out on the course. One of my favorite Bill Rodgers quotes is, "Life is hard. That's why we run. If we can tough it out on the roads, we can tough it out in life." 

When I told Bill how impressed I am that we can mingle with running greats like himself he said, "That's why we're the greatest sport."

He has been a champion of my journey. He celebrated my comeback races with me. When I told him at the Boston Run Show that I was a DNF at the Bermuda 10K, he said "Well you've got a ways to go before you catch up with my DNF's in Boston." He is always at the ready to pose for a photo:

When I asked him if he would write a book review for my soon to be released "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior," he wrote: "I enjoyed reading your new book, which is so appropriately titled, A Most Unlikely Runner....I especially like the way you understand Running as more than just the physical movement, and how you linked the great American Poet, Robert Frost to Running...  I know you will always be a Runner!"

At the Bill Rodgers 5K for Prostate Cancer, Bill inspired me to go for a PR. I accomplished what I set out to do and was celebrated after the race:

To get more inspiration from Bill Rodgers, read "Marathon Man: My 26.2 Mile Journey From Unknown Grad Student to the Top of the Running World" available on Amazon

As he wrote when he signed my copy of "Marathon Man," "Let's run forever." Sounds like solid inspiring advice to me!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square Brookline

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ten Years Later - A Full Circle Moment with Marathon Sports

 I received this message from Marathon Sports on my Instagram account:

Hi Mary! I hope you’re having a great start to your week. We would love to share this photo + caption in our newsletter for Mother’s Day - would you be okay with us utilizing your content? Thank you!

Ruth Anne and I were in town the Wednesday before this year's Boston Marathon. "Come on mom. We've got to go into Marathon Sports. It's our Boston Marathon Tradition!"
Me: "Sure okay!"
Me observing woman stacking cowbells in her arms:
"Excuse me. May I ask who you are buying those for?"
Woman: "Sure it's my team. I work for a biomedical company that helps trauma victims with our product. There's a runner who benefited from our product and we're here to cheer him on. He's amazing. He just ran Tokyo."
Me: "Um is that Jared Ewing?"

She was as shocked as we were. Woman: "How do you know him?" 

Ruth Anne: "My mom was on the same podcast as he was - On the Runs. She's a polio survivor and ran the 2009 Boston Marathon."
Her name is Alicia and she had no idea Jared was on the podcast. I told her that my daughter practically pulled me into the store. Alicia said, "Well I was outside but decided to come back in and get the cowbells!"

Yesterday, Ruth Anne was inspired to bring flyers for my upcoming Book Release Party. It's happening two doors down from Marathon Sports at Livite.

The women working there were wow'ed by the flyer and my journey. I got goosebumps to think I was standing in the very spot where I bought my first pair of running shoes - ever - at the age of 53 to train for the 2009 Boston Marathon. It was in February of 2008. I had never run a day in my life, yet my personal trainer was totally non-plussed when I told her my next health and fitness goals were to come out of my toe-up leg brace, to take a walk outside, to feel free in my body, diversify my health and wellness workouts...And as she was getting ready to leave I said, "Wait...I have one more goal!" "What's that?: she asked. "I want to run the Boston Marathon next year for Spaulding Rehab." "Well you are going to need a pair of running shoes." 


She sent me to Marathon Sports Brookline where Spencer Aston spent a good half hour helping me to find the right running shoes for my most unusual gait. He even fitted me with an orthotic for my left shoe. So began our relationship with Marathon Sports.

In July of 2008, I ran my first 5 mile road race, the Marathon Sports 5 Miler.

It was an evening race. It was hot and there was a fast field. I wanted to quit. What was I doing and what was I thinking that I could possibly run the 2009 Boston Marathon? But Tom wouldn't let me quit and the support from the Brookline Marathon Sports staff who knew my story were so supportive that I soldiered on through the heat. When I crossed the finish line, the staff blew the air horn and honked the horn on the truck making me feel as though I had broken the finisher's tape!


Fast forward to April of 2014 when I approached Brookline Marathon Sports store manager about the possibility of having the book release party for "Coming Home:A Memoir of Healing, Hope and Possibility" at the store. Ellen was all in. She helped to make the evening more memorable than I even imagined it would be as I wrote in my blog, "Everything I Imagined and More."

Thirty people gathered to celebrate the launch of my what I thought would be my one and only book and to support the One Fund. I met Meghan and her mom Maura at a Boston Marathon L Street water stop. Maura, a professional photographer, took these amazing photos:

I've been so blessed to have many adventures as a most unlikely runner as runnergirl 1953 and to chronicle those in my Trilogy of Transformation that includes "Coming Home", "Going the Distance:The Power of Endurance" and "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953." During the pandemic I wrote "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" and "Into the Light: Emerging From the 2020 Pandemic." "Into the Light" and now "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" are selections of the WBZ Book Club.

Back in April, when Ruth Anne pulled me into Marathon Sports, I had no idea that I was in the middle of a full circle moment about to happen. That's part of the mystery and magic of how the Universe works. Always remember to go where the Universe leads.

When I took that leap of faith on 5/25/2007, I had no idea where the path would lead. The path has led me on the most incredible adventures, meeting the most wonderful and amazing people and having the opportunity to spread a powerful message of healing, hope and infinite possibilities! I never dreamed that instead of being jeered after contracting polio, I would be cheered and celebrated by the running community. I wonder what adventures are in store on and off the roads as I celebrate the spectacular seventies!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square


Monday, May 6, 2024

Breaking Through - Breaking Free!

Ever since I began this journey to heal my life in the wake of childhood paralytic polio and trauma, I worked to break free from the messages that were imprinted and embedded in my mind and body. Writing poetry was a powerful way for me to transform all that went before harnessing the power of my mind and the bidirectional mind/body connection. As I transformed my thoughts, my body healed and as I healed my body, it became easier to transform limiting thought patterns.

Running became a powerful source of healing in my life. As George Sheehan eloquently said:

After running 3 Half Marathons in Bermuda in 2016, 2017 and 2018, I thought that my distance running days were behind me. I had shaken off the limits placed on me by Western Medicine after a serious knee injury in 2014 to achieve those miraculous feats and felt content with all that I accomplished as a most unlikely runner. I was running 5K's and during COVID did Virtual Races. 

On 5/5 of 2021, I had the booster shot for the 2nd vaccine. Despite doing all the right things with meditation, crystals, hydration, fueling, visualization and consulting my dear friend and mind/body luminary,  Dr. David Hamilton about the safety of the vaccines, I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating nerve pain down my right leg accompanied by muscle spasms. I kept going with my regular workouts and runs until I had to curtail my activities due to pain and weakness. 

At the end of 2022, Ruth Anne said I had to do something; that I had not come this far in my journey to only go that far. She was right. I had to, in the words of Dr. Joe Dispenza, think greater than my circumstances. It was counter-intuitive to do more when I was in pain and struggling with fatigue again but I knew that's exactly what I needed to do. 

I ran the 2023 First Run Virtual 5K and would have been able to compete in the live race based on my results and the results from the event having finished about ten runners before the last runner. Ruth Anne decided that we needed to do something epic now that the pandemic was over and I was getting ready to celebrate my 70th birthday! Although my plan for the 2024 Bermuda 10K Walk event did not end the way I had trained for and visualized, I was still able to reach my goals of celebrating all I accomplished in my healing journey and in my life and spread a powerful message of healing, hope and infinite possibilities. The stress leading up to Race Weekend combined with a bout of COVID in December resulted in 'calling it' at 3.06 miles. 

But, as I wrote about in yesterday's blog, I had a gnawing feeling that I needed to go the 10K distance again. On Saturday, I let my heart and my mind lead the way. I made no announcement on social media since it was such a spontaneous decision. I knew this was more than a 10K and it was about so much more than me and my goals. 

I keep sharing my story and keep writing my story to let people know what's possible despite all appearances to the contrary. While no one expected me to just go out and do a 10K at the age of 70 years old and having had a DNF in Bermuda after a bout with COVID, recovering from a setback in 2021/2022, I needed to go out and see what this body could do.  When others who may be facing difficult challenges see my age, strength, tenacity, resilience and determination, it uplifts them on their journeys. It certainly uplifted me on mine as I embrace and delight in the soreness. I thank my muscles that did me proud in going out and just doing a 10K without building up the mileage again. I give thanks for the miracle of healing and all that my body lets me do on any given day. As Ruth Anne said to me when we finished the 10K, "You still got it ma."

Today is the 70th anniversary of when Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile. No one before him believed it was possible. But once he demonstrated that in fact it WAS possible, others tried and succeeded. There is always a ripple effect that occurs when one breaks through a previously perceived limitation or barrier.

In the beginning of my book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior", I reflect on how, when my mother was the age I am today, she was in an Assisted Living Facility.  My family of origin liked their comfort yet paradoxically struggled and suffered with addiction and mental health challenges. Even though I had run the 2009 Boston Marathon, many 5 and 10K's and several half marathons, Saturday's 10K was a liberating run. I broke through my own barrier of going the distance of a 10K again. I broke free from generations that had a very unhealthy lifestyle while staking claim to my passion and purpose of spreading a powerful message of healing, hope and infinite possibilities!

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Finishing Unfinished Business!

 Yesterday's 10K embodied the Nike motto of "Just Do It!"

I had unfinished business from the Bermuda 10K in January. I know that I made the right choice to 'call it' at 3.06 miles to avoid injury or worse. Believe me when I say that you do not want to have to access medical care in Bermuda. Most Bermudians come to Massachusetts for their care. I knew that I needed/wanted to finish a 10K before the year was out. When I was unable to find a race that would accommodate my pace, I opted for the Gone for a Run Virtual Series 10K Challenge. I started the challenge on March 30th.  My planner had a training plan mapped out as I had for when I trained last year for the Bermuda 10K. I planned to slowly increase my mileage.

Last week, during my strength training session, I was inspired to up my game with core work. I'd been inspired by all I had seen and heard at last weekend's Boston Outdoor Expo. I felt the benefits of strengthening the core when Ruth Anne and I did fartleks last Thursday.

Let me digress for a moment, This time last year, I recorded my episode for the On the Runs podcast. I gave them 'an exclusive' that my next goal was to do the Bermuda 10K walk as a way to celebrate my 70th birthday and 17 years of healing in the wake of the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome. Here is the link to my episode on Apple but subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform. 

Race day in Bermuda did not go as planned-spoiler alert for "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior-but other goals were met. Tom and I had a wonderful time.

Having that unfinished 10K was gnawing at me since January. Part of me wanted to do the Hyannis 10K where I knew that my pace wouldn't matter since there is a half marathon and marathon but that didn't feel right in March. I've been using conscious movement and meditation/visualization to continue to heal the late effects of paralytic polio and trauma and the reaction I had to the 2nd Pfizer vaccine (coincidentally 3 years ago today on 5/5).  Yesterday morning I was able to remove the top of the full orange juice jug with ease and pour the OJ into glasses without spilling any concentrating on keeping my hands steady. I tamed the nerve pain in my right leg by lovingly talking to my body with the mantra, "The Power that made the body, heals the body." My day was off to a good start!

I went on social media to do my morning post. I stopped my scrolling when I saw what my dear friend, Candice, who I met through the On the Runs podcast posted. She was diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer last month and has crossed the starting line of her marathon of healing. She posted her 5 mile run with the quote, "Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." Loved this quote so much! Happy Saturday! 5 miles on this beautiful morning. I go into each run with a number of miles in mind. If I don't hit my number that's ok. I celebrate that I no longer beat myself up for what didn't happen and be proud something happened! It's the little things.

Last Tuesday (the day she receives chemo) she ended her post with, "I'll continue to stay mentally strong and surround myself with amazing people! A seed can only grow to its full potential by what it's surrounded by."

I felt a stirring deep in my soul. I knew I wanted to dedicate my miles to Candice but not the 4 miles I had on the training plan. I knew that even though I had not built up the mileage again to do the 10K, it was go time. I knew in every fiber of my being that it was time to once again see what this body could do ( a favorite phrase from my personal trainer from the 2009 Boston Marathon) and finish that unfinished business. Ruth Anne said she would go the distance with me as was our original plan for Bermuda. There were many layers and factors inspiring and motivating me to finish what I started a year ago. When I said goodbye to Scott Jurek at last week's Boston Outdoor Expo with a hug, he got a gleam in his eye. "Go finish that marathon." I knew he was referring to the 10K. For me, a 10K is a marathon these days. He talked about keeping the fire lit and the passion alive while feeling that child-like aliveness in our endeavors. 

But the number one source of inspiration and motivation for getting out there and just doing it was Candice. While she is doing an incredibly hard thing with cancer treatment, I wanted to do a hard thing in her honor. I ran with my heart and my mind not paying attention to the fact that I was under trained to do a 10K. All of the admonitions from Western Medicine about if you use it, you'll lose it were washed away by the passion and drive I felt inside. I felt incredible joy knowing that once again I was running for something greater than myself. Candice and I are both warriors who refuse to let a diagnosis define who we are and how we live our lives.

When I set out on this quest to heal my life 17 years ago, I knew there would be pain whether I chose the pain of atrophy as a result of Post-Polio Syndrome or I chose the pain of healing and surpassing limits, listening to my intuition. I wore my 2009 Boston Marathon jacket as the anchor memory from when I defied the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome.

Candice talks about one day at a time in her posts. I took the 10K one mile at a time. Ruth Anne was mindful of helping me to keep a steady pace. When the wind intensified around the Reservoir, we went to the track across the street. She asked a person to take our photo. He was the Director of Grounds Keeping for the field at Cleveland Circle. Once the wind died down, we returned to the Reservoir. Although the temperature did not feel like Spring, the beauty of Spring shined through.

Baby geese once again grace the perimeter of the Reservoir.

I did not feel the pressure of a specific pace, reminding myself that for someone who was supposed to be in a wheelchair, I go pretty fast but secretly, I wanted to finish in under 2:30 which was the time limit for the Bermuda 10K. I was keenly aware of fueling and hydration. I thought greater than my circumstances as I thought to myself I should have cut my toenails and dismissed the inevitable soreness that was creeping into my IT band, quads and hamstrings.

We took our traditional selfie:

We made a pit stop at the Boston College Recreation Center to refill our water bottles and go to the bathroom when we were at about 4.5 miles. My right knee was crunchy. I imagined putting a washer into the joint to stop the bone on bone sensation and visualized lubricant moving through the joint. I even said to my knee -- there - that's better! When I got to 5.6 miles I said to Ruth Anne, "This is the farthest I've gone since 2018 when we ran the Bermuda Half Marathon together!" Ruth Anne was incredibly supportive and encouraging throughout the miles, especially when I hit this milestone reminding me we only had .6 miles to go. We called Tom to meet us with the medal from Gone for a Run Virtual 10K Challenge. 


 I had my third eye on the goal throughout the miles and when I approached the 'finish line', I felt a rush of emotion. It was clear to me that I was meant to finish the 10K on May the fourth! 

Tom put the medal around my neck coincidentally wearing the hat he bought at the Flying Colours in Bermuda:

And Ruth Anne was at the ready to take a photo of me with my medal:

Out of curiosity, I did an age grade calculation. My age graded time is 1:35:08. As Ruth Anne paced me to a strong finish, she suggested that my goal for 2025 should be a half marathon again. I suggested she let me recover from today's accomplishment and we'll see. I did love that incredible feeling that happens after a long run that I had not experienced since I crossed the finish line of the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon.

Thank you Ruth Anne for going the distance with me to finish the 10K distance. I am so grateful to my body, mind, heart and soul for working together to achieve this new milestone. Thank you Candice for being the ray of sunshine that you are. Your strength, grit, grace, remarkable resilience and living life with an attitude of gratitude are an inspiration to all who are blessed to know you. Be sure to listen to her Episode on the On the Runs podcast.

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square


March is National Optimism Month

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